How do I navigate through the diary?
To access the diary on the WriteUpp App, click on the Diary icon at the bottom of the screen:

From here you can see all your appointments for today including the following information:
The name of the patient/client
The start and end time of the appointment
The appointment type
The appointment status
The location of the appointment

If you click on an appointment you can view it in greater detail and make any changes using the edit button:

The calendar logo in the top right-hand corner of the diary allows you to view a calendar of the current month, where you can click on a date to be taken to the list of appointments for that day. You can press the blue arrows on either side of the month and year to view the calendar for the previous or next month:

Swiping left or right on your list of appointments will also allow you to navigate forwards and backwards through the diary.
If you have multiple users on your site you can click on your name, displayed below the date, and choose which users' diary entries you'd like to view:

The "**+**" icon at the top right takes you to the Create Appointment screen, allowing you to quickly book appointments into the diary:

You can download the WriteUpp app from either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

From here you can see all your appointments for today including the following information:
The name of the patient/client
The start and end time of the appointment
The appointment type
The appointment status
The location of the appointment

If you click on an appointment you can view it in greater detail and make any changes using the edit button:

The calendar logo in the top right-hand corner of the diary allows you to view a calendar of the current month, where you can click on a date to be taken to the list of appointments for that day. You can press the blue arrows on either side of the month and year to view the calendar for the previous or next month:

Swiping left or right on your list of appointments will also allow you to navigate forwards and backwards through the diary.
If you have multiple users on your site you can click on your name, displayed below the date, and choose which users' diary entries you'd like to view:

The "**+**" icon at the top right takes you to the Create Appointment screen, allowing you to quickly book appointments into the diary:

You can download the WriteUpp app from either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
Updated on: 09/08/2022
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