Why do we ask you for your client's WUID?
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) sets new standards for data protection and privacy.
With this in mind (and for your own protection), we would prefer it if you don't refer to your clients by name in support tickets to us.
Instead, please just provide us with their WUID (WriteUpp ID) and we can then investigate your issue further.
Your client's WUID can be found at the top of the Client tab of the Client Summary:
And also within the active patient dropdown:
With this in mind (and for your own protection), we would prefer it if you don't refer to your clients by name in support tickets to us.
Instead, please just provide us with their WUID (WriteUpp ID) and we can then investigate your issue further.
Your client's WUID can be found at the top of the Client tab of the Client Summary:
And also within the active patient dropdown:
Updated on: 07/11/2022
Thank you!