Articles on: Invoicing & Payment

Creating a discount code

Creating a discount code in WriteUpp allows you to then apply the defined discount to an appointment/expense when it's being invoiced. It can be applied to either an invoice you generate within WriteUpp, or to an appointment booked and paid for by a patient within online booking.

To create a discount code:

Open the Main Menu and go Settings -> Invoice -> Discount codes

Click the Create new code button

Give your discount code:
A name - used to identify what the discount code is
A code - the actual discount code. This is what will be entered into the discount code field in Online Booking when a patient is booking an appointment or when you are invoicing from within WriteUpp to activate the discount
Choose between 'Set Amount' or 'Percentage'
Enter the discount amount
Choose whether the discount code is active or inactive - allowing you to manage limited time promotions
Set an expiry date - allows you to set an expiry date if the code has to be used by a certain date

Once a discount code has reached its expiry date, it'll automatically become inactive. For example, if you'd like to run a promotion for a limited period, that must be redeemed by a certain date, create the discount code and set the expiry date. After it's passed, WriteUpp will make it inactive and your patients will no longer be able to redeem it online. You also won't be able to select it as an option when invoicing.

Then Save

Once your code has been saved, it will be available to apply to invoices you create within WriteUpp. You can also then provide it to a patient to use when booking and paying for an appointment via Online Booking.

The codes you generate here won't be single use codes. This will enable you to, for example, offer a discount on a new service that can be used by multiple different patients. If you did want to generate codes that can only be used once, you can set up a code and once you know it's been used, make it inactive.

When using discount codes via online booking, they shouldn't be used to cover the full cost of an appointment, as the prepayment system we use has a minimum payment value. If a discount code is applied in online booking, which takes the cost of the appointment to £0, the patient won't be able to proceed past the payment screen. Discount codes in online booking are designed for appointments where the client would still have a balance to pay for the session.

Updated on: 09/02/2023

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