Articles on: Invoicing & Payment

How do I define an expense item?

An 'expense item' is a pre-defined expense that you set up once and can use again and again to record:

an expense that you wish to charge to a client
an item that you sell to clients

For example, you may charge mileage for home visits and your standard rate might be 40p/mile.

If this is the case, you could set up an expense item called something like "Mileage" or "Fuel", which would save you valuable minutes each time you charge for this. There are two ways you can create an expense template...

Option 1 - From Settings:

You can set up the item in advance in settings. Go to Settings -> Expense

Click on Create New Expense Item:

Enter a name and specify the cost:

Press Save Expense

Now, when you go to Create -> Expense, you will be able to select this from the 'Use A Saved Template' dropdown:

Option 2 - From Create -> Expense:

Alternatively, if you choose not to set up an expense item in advance, you can save one when you create an expense. Go to Create -> Expense

Type the name of the expense and enter the cost. Specify the quantity

Check the Save This As Template box:

Then click Save Expense. This will create the expense item for the client, and also set it up as a template, so you can select it from the 'Use A Saved Template' dropdown next time you create an expense.

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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