How do I enter information about my locations?
To enter or edit information on a location:
Login to the Online Booking Admin Area
Click on "Locations" in the blue menu bar at the top of the page
You will notice that all the information that you have previously entered into WriteUpp about locations has already been pulled through into Online Booking. From here you can supplement this information with extra content to enhance your online booking experience.
Click on the Location that you wish to edit
Here you can update any information about your location that you may wish to change in Online Booking.
You can also add a link to a page on your website if you have already created a page on your site with very detailed instructions about directions to your location
Lastly you can pinpoint your location on a Google Map which will appear in the "More Info" dialogue when your client is presented with your availability. Again we have used your practice postcode (that is entered in WriteUpp) to position the marker on the map but if for some reason it's incorrectly located (as they sometimes can be), simply pick up the pin and drag it to the correct location.
When you're done just click on "Save & Publish"
If you change the address of one of your locations, the Google Map displayed won't auto-update and display the red pin at your new address. You'll need to manually change this by picking up the pointer and manually dragging it to your new location:

Login to the Online Booking Admin Area
Click on "Locations" in the blue menu bar at the top of the page
You will notice that all the information that you have previously entered into WriteUpp about locations has already been pulled through into Online Booking. From here you can supplement this information with extra content to enhance your online booking experience.

Click on the Location that you wish to edit

Here you can update any information about your location that you may wish to change in Online Booking.
You can also add a link to a page on your website if you have already created a page on your site with very detailed instructions about directions to your location
Lastly you can pinpoint your location on a Google Map which will appear in the "More Info" dialogue when your client is presented with your availability. Again we have used your practice postcode (that is entered in WriteUpp) to position the marker on the map but if for some reason it's incorrectly located (as they sometimes can be), simply pick up the pin and drag it to the correct location.
When you're done just click on "Save & Publish"
If you change the address of one of your locations, the Google Map displayed won't auto-update and display the red pin at your new address. You'll need to manually change this by picking up the pointer and manually dragging it to your new location:

Updated on: 02/08/2022
Thank you!