Articles on: Invoicing & Payment

How do I log an expense before I raise an invoice?

An expense can be anything that you wish to charge to a client. It could be mileage/fuel if you do home visits or it could be a medical appliance if you sell items to your clients.

In this scenario, we are logging an expense sometime before actually raising the invoice. 

To make it quick and easy for you to log expenses, we've provided you with a mechanism to pre-define expenses (name, price etc) so that all you have to do when you log an expense is enter the quantity.

To find out more about defining expense items, click here.

To log an expense before raising the invoice:

Make sure you have the correct patient selected

Click on Create -> Expense

Choose your pre-defined expense item from the Use A Saved Template dropdown. This will then populate the details of the expense for you (Name, ex VAT price per unit, VAT, Total Price)

If you haven't defined the expense item up-front, all you need to do is specify the details of the expense and check Save This As a Template. This will set this expense item up so that in the future you can select it from the 'Use A Saved Template' drop-down. If you do not wish to save the new expense as a template, simply leave this box unticked.

Enter the quantity

Click on the green Save Expense button

This expense will now appear when you next go to raise an invoice for this client under Create -> Invoice:

Updated on: 18/07/2024

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