How do I send my client a receipt?
For appointments invoiced for via WriteUpp:
For appointments which have been invoiced for via WriteUpp, once payment has been received, you can mark the invoice as paid. Once you have done this, the invoice itself will be stamped "PAID":

This can then be emailed directly to the client using the Email icon located below the invoice. Additional information on the payment method and date can be added to the accompanying email.
You also have the option to send it via Direct Message, or to print the paid invoice, if needed.
There isn't a specific receipt functionality within WriteUpp, but you could potentially set up a document template containing the information you would like to provide, and use this as a receipt for your clients.
For payments received via Stripe:
You can configure your Stripe account to automatically email your clients a receipt following a successful payment. To do this:
Log into your Stripe dashboard
Go to Settings from the menu down the left side
Under Business Settings -> Your Settings, choose Emails
Toggle 'Successful payments' to the right:

You can also manually send clients a receipt from Stripe. To do this:
Log into your Stripe dashboard
Click on Payments and select the payment you would like to send a receipt for
Scroll down to the email history and click Send receipt
Enter your client's email address
Click Send
Updated on: 15/07/2024
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