Troubleshooting video consultations on Firefox
If you are having issues with video consultations on Firefox, this article will take you through some things to check.
The video consultation platform needs access to your camera and microphone, so your patient can see and hear you (and vice versa!). When using Firefox for a video session, you will need to allow access to both of these to allow the connection to be made.
To check your camera and microphone permissions on a laptop or PC, click the three horizontal lines at the very right hand side of your screen, in line with the address bar, and choose either Options or Preferences. What you see will depend on what operating system you are using. For example, on macOS, you'll see Preferences but on Windows 10, you'll see Options. On newer versions of FireFox, it will be under Settings.
From the menu at the left hand side, choose Privacy and Security then scroll down to the 'Permissions' section and click on Settings next to both Camera and Microphone in turn.
For both, make sure the "Block new requests" box at the bottom of the screen is not ticked.
If you see any sites listed with a Blocked status, please use the dropdown to change this to 'Allow'.
When granting access to your camera and microphone in Firefox, you have the option to tick a 'Remember this decision' box:

We'd recommend ticking this box to allow Firefox to remember these settings for you, meaning you won't have to grant access each time.
On a phone or tablet, go to Settings and choose Apps then Firefox. Tap on Permissions and then check if Camera and Microphone are listed as Allowed or Denied. If they are listed as Denied, tap on them and change them to Allow.
You can see Mozilla's own guidance on managing camera and microphone permissions here.
Sometimes, when you load up the video call and allow access to you camera and microphone, they will only be allowed tempoararily. This means that soon after you start the call, your camera and mic may stop working. If that happens, here's a quick fix:
When you encounter issues on the call, press ctrl + I on your keyboard.
In the modal that appears, head to the Permissions tab
For Camera and Microphone, untick the 'Use default' box
Then select 'Allow' for both
Close the modal and refresh the call. You can use the blue Phone button to do this and then press the yellow Refresh button
As long as everything is allowed in your computer settings, your camera and microphone should now be working.

Please note that while we do try to keep on top of changes to browsers and operating systems, if their interfaces change, the above images and instructions might not be entirely accurate. If you are struggling to follow any of the steps due to this, please get in touch.
Setting camera and microphone permissions
The video consultation platform needs access to your camera and microphone, so your patient can see and hear you (and vice versa!). When using Firefox for a video session, you will need to allow access to both of these to allow the connection to be made.
Laptop or PC:
To check your camera and microphone permissions on a laptop or PC, click the three horizontal lines at the very right hand side of your screen, in line with the address bar, and choose either Options or Preferences. What you see will depend on what operating system you are using. For example, on macOS, you'll see Preferences but on Windows 10, you'll see Options. On newer versions of FireFox, it will be under Settings.
From the menu at the left hand side, choose Privacy and Security then scroll down to the 'Permissions' section and click on Settings next to both Camera and Microphone in turn.
For both, make sure the "Block new requests" box at the bottom of the screen is not ticked.
If you see any sites listed with a Blocked status, please use the dropdown to change this to 'Allow'.
When granting access to your camera and microphone in Firefox, you have the option to tick a 'Remember this decision' box:

We'd recommend ticking this box to allow Firefox to remember these settings for you, meaning you won't have to grant access each time.
Phone or tablet:
On a phone or tablet, go to Settings and choose Apps then Firefox. Tap on Permissions and then check if Camera and Microphone are listed as Allowed or Denied. If they are listed as Denied, tap on them and change them to Allow.
You can see Mozilla's own guidance on managing camera and microphone permissions here.
Still having issues...
Sometimes, when you load up the video call and allow access to you camera and microphone, they will only be allowed tempoararily. This means that soon after you start the call, your camera and mic may stop working. If that happens, here's a quick fix:
When you encounter issues on the call, press ctrl + I on your keyboard.
In the modal that appears, head to the Permissions tab
For Camera and Microphone, untick the 'Use default' box
Then select 'Allow' for both
Close the modal and refresh the call. You can use the blue Phone button to do this and then press the yellow Refresh button
As long as everything is allowed in your computer settings, your camera and microphone should now be working.

Please note that while we do try to keep on top of changes to browsers and operating systems, if their interfaces change, the above images and instructions might not be entirely accurate. If you are struggling to follow any of the steps due to this, please get in touch.
Updated on: 08/08/2024
Thank you!