Articles on: My WriteUpp

How do I manage my notifications?

To manage your notifications, click on your username at the top of WriteUpp and choose Manage next to Notifications.

 You'll then see a list of all of the events that you can generate a notification for in WriteUpp.

Here, you have the option to specify how you are notified about these events.

Important - will be highlighted in the notifications dropdown by a red line down the left side of the notification
Show Boost - the notification will be displayed at the bottom right of your screen
Show Dialog - appears as a dialog box in the middle of your screen
Browser - will generate a system notification in your browser
Don't show - won't generate a notification

You also have the option to leave the checkboxes against an event blank, which generates a standard notification in the Notifications box:

If you have chosen either 'Show boost' or 'Show dialog', you will also see the standard notification in the notifications dropdown. These can be easily dismissed individually by clicking on the x at the top right corner of the notification or in bulk by choosing Remove All next to Manage.   

If you dismiss a standard notification or a boosted notification at the bottom right of your screen by clicking the x at the top right corner, this will completely remove the notification and you won't see it again.

Once you have set preferences for each event, click Save to save any changes made.

Updated on: 13/03/2023

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