How do I print/email all of my case notes for a client/patient?
To print all notes for a client or save them to a PDF, follow the steps below...
Go to the Notes tab of the Client Summary and click on the List view option:

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Print icon:

You will be asked whether you want to print this page or all pages:

Selecting ALL PAGES will allow you to print all of the client's notes or save them to a PDF to be emailed
Go to the Notes tab of the Client Summary and click on the List view option:

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Print icon:

You will be asked whether you want to print this page or all pages:

Selecting ALL PAGES will allow you to print all of the client's notes or save them to a PDF to be emailed
Updated on: 09/11/2023
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