How do I see the payment history and print a receipt for my monthly subscription?
To view the payment history and/or print a receipt for your WriteUpp subscription follow the steps below:
Open Settings
Click on the Account tab
Under the Your Account heading, click Show payment history beside Next Bill:

From the Payment history list, find the subscription you'd like to print a receipt for and click Printable Payment Summary:

You'll be taken to the payment confirmation page. You can print or download the confirmation using the icons highlighted below:

Open Settings
Click on the Account tab
Under the Your Account heading, click Show payment history beside Next Bill:

From the Payment history list, find the subscription you'd like to print a receipt for and click Printable Payment Summary:

You'll be taken to the payment confirmation page. You can print or download the confirmation using the icons highlighted below:

Updated on: 14/03/2023
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