Articles on: Reporting & Data

What activity information is available?

To view activity or performance data from across your practice, open the Main Menu top left and choose Activity.

From here you can view information on both attended and non-attended activity:

For both tabs, you can choose a date range and filter by both appointment type and clinician. If any of these filters are changed, click on the blue Update button to update the view.

A note on date ranges: When setting a date range, you won’t be able to set the To date to later than the From date. If you’re looking at a date range in the future, you should change the To date first and then adjust the From date before clicking on the blue Update button.

You can also choose if you'd like to see non-patient appointments listed, by unticking Only show Client related appointments.

The attended activity tab will show you information on appointments which have a patient attending status and the income from these appointments.

Clicking on the blue WUID in any line will take you through the Patient Summary of that particular patient, and clicking on the start time of an appointment will take you to the appointment in the diary.

The non-attended activity tab will show appointments with a patient not attending status attached to them, like cancelled appointments for example, and the lost income resulting from these:

All Activity information can be exported to Microsoft Excel or CSV for further analysis or reporting. To export your information, just click on the blue Export to Excel or Export to CSV buttons at the bottom of the page.

Updated on: 13/06/2023

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