What is the Xero Export Log?
For a step by step guide on how to set up your Xero Export, please click here
The Xero Export Log contains a log of all invoices exported to Xero and should allow you to track who exported an invoice and when, providing a level of reconciliation between WriteUpp and Xero.
You'll be able to see:
When an invoice was exported
Who it was exported by
The invoice number
The Patient's name
The status of the export
If the export was succcessful
If relevant, the reason for failure

From the Xero Export log, you can link to:
The invoice within WriteUpp by clicking on the invoice number
The patient summary by clicking on the patient's name
Please note that the same invoice number might appear more than once in the Xero Export Log. If you attempt to export an invoice and it fails, but successfully complete the export another time, there will be a entry for both the failed and successful exports:

The Xero Export Log contains a log of all invoices exported to Xero and should allow you to track who exported an invoice and when, providing a level of reconciliation between WriteUpp and Xero.
You'll be able to see:
When an invoice was exported
Who it was exported by
The invoice number
The Patient's name
The status of the export
If the export was succcessful
If relevant, the reason for failure

From the Xero Export log, you can link to:
The invoice within WriteUpp by clicking on the invoice number
The patient summary by clicking on the patient's name
Please note that the same invoice number might appear more than once in the Xero Export Log. If you attempt to export an invoice and it fails, but successfully complete the export another time, there will be a entry for both the failed and successful exports:

Updated on: 09/08/2022
Thank you!