Articles on: Video Consultations

Creating a reminder for a video consultation

Sending out appointment reminders can be a great way to combat your DNA rate, and a reminder of a video consultation is no exception! In addition to containing the appointment details as a reminder to your client, you can also include the video access link for them. Just like in a confirmation message, they simply need to click on the link at the specified time.

We have provided a default template for you to use when sending a reminder of a video consultation, for both SMS and email. You can of course modify this template to suit your needs, or create your own template to use. You can see the content of the default templates listed here for SMS and here for email.

If you joined WriteUpp after 23/04/2020, this is one of the predefined communications built into WriteUpp for you. If you don't see it on your list of communication triggers, just follow the steps below!

To set up a video consultation reminder:

Go to Main Menu -> Settings -> Scheduling -> Appointment Communication

Click on New Trigger at the bottom of the screen

Use the dropdown boxes to create your communication trigger, then Save:

Method - Would you like to inform them via SMS or email?
Message template - What message would you like to send them as a reminder of their video appointment?
Trigger event - Video reminder
If type is - Would you like the message to be sent for only a particular video appointment type?
When - When before the appointment would you like the message to be sent? 7 days, 5 days 3 days, 2 days, 1 day, 2 hours or 1 hour prior to an appointment

You'll then see the new communication trigger added to the list:

Once this is set up, clients will receive a reminder prior to their video consultation.

You can set up multiple reminders prior to an appointment. For example, you might want to send an email reminder 7 days prior to an appointment and an SMS reminder 1 or 2 days beforehand, or vice versa. To do this, simply follow the above steps to create two separate entries for the reminders you'd like to send, choosing the different delivery methods and timescales in step 3.

Note - Reminders are saved against the appointment at the time it is booked. If you set up a new reminder, any appointments already in the diary will not be sent that reminder. They will only be sent communications that were present at the time of booking, and if they are opted in on the patient summary to receive communications.

Updated on: 17/06/2022

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