Articles on: Patient Summary

Customising Ethnicity options

The options within the Ethnicity dropdown of the Client Summary can be customised by a Site Administrator within Main Menu -> Fields -> Ethnicity Fields:

New Ethnicity options can be added via the +Add button at the top of the list, or existing options can be edited by clicking on the Pencil icon at the end of a row.

When editing an option, you'll be able to make changes to the name and also choose if it is active or inactive using the box here:

Inactive options won't appear as a choice within the Ethnicity dropdown on the Client Summary, or within the Ethnicity smart field. It will remain linked to any clients who already have it selected, but if you edit their details on the Client Summary, the dropdown will revert to Not Recorded.

If you edit the name of an ethnicity option, this will also be updated for any clients who have that option selected.

Note: The Not recorded has been "Locked" and cannot be edited or deleted. This is to ensure there is always one option available within this field on the Client Summary, as it cannot be left blank. If you do not need or want to record the ethnicity of your clients, this field can be left as Not Recorded, which is what is displayed by default.

Updated on: 23/12/2024

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