How do I customise Note keywords?
Note keywords are used to help your categorise your notes in WriteUpp. For example, many organisations want to distinguish between notes that have been written by clinical staff and the Admin team. Typical keywords might be:
You can create as many note keywords as you wish, but you can only associate one keyword with each note.
To add, deactivate or edit note keywords, click on the main menu and go to Fields within the Settings and Tools section:

Choose the Note Keywords tab:

To add a new keyword, click on the blue Add button. The Add Note Keyword modal will open:

Or to edit an exisiting keyword, click on the pencil icon at the end of the row and a modal will open allowing you to edit it. You can also deactivate a keyword from this modal by unchecking the 'Active' box.

When adding a Note Keyword, you have the option to add a number for it to the Order field.
You do not have to add your own ordering to your list of keywords. It is just there as an option, to make it easier for you to select your more commonly used keywords when creating notes. If you choose not to order your note keywords, they will be ordered alphabetically.
You can also add order to an existing keyword by clicking on the pencil icon at the end of the row. This will open the Edit Note Keyword modal allowing you to edit the 'Order' field.
The order defines where the note keyword will appear in the dropdown list when you create a note, with whichever you choose as 1 being your default keyword. The default keyword will automatically populate in the Keyword box for you when creating a note:

Note Keywords with the same number in the Order field will display alphabetically amongst themselves.
You can create as many note keywords as you wish, but you can only associate one keyword with each note.
To add, deactivate or edit note keywords, click on the main menu and go to Fields within the Settings and Tools section:

Choose the Note Keywords tab:

To add a new keyword, click on the blue Add button. The Add Note Keyword modal will open:

Or to edit an exisiting keyword, click on the pencil icon at the end of the row and a modal will open allowing you to edit it. You can also deactivate a keyword from this modal by unchecking the 'Active' box.

When adding a Note Keyword, you have the option to add a number for it to the Order field.
You do not have to add your own ordering to your list of keywords. It is just there as an option, to make it easier for you to select your more commonly used keywords when creating notes. If you choose not to order your note keywords, they will be ordered alphabetically.
You can also add order to an existing keyword by clicking on the pencil icon at the end of the row. This will open the Edit Note Keyword modal allowing you to edit the 'Order' field.
The order defines where the note keyword will appear in the dropdown list when you create a note, with whichever you choose as 1 being your default keyword. The default keyword will automatically populate in the Keyword box for you when creating a note:

Note Keywords with the same number in the Order field will display alphabetically amongst themselves.
Updated on: 23/11/2023
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