Articles on: Patient Summary

How do I customise third-party types?

In WriteUpp, Third-Parties are any individual or organisation that is involved in the care or wellbeing of a client or patient. For example:

St James' Primary School
Dr Peter Stephenson

Third-Party Types are, as the name suggests, groups of third-parties with similar characteristics. For example:


If you wish to do so, you can create your own Third-Party types.

To add, delete or modify Third-Party types...

Click on the top left menu and go to Fields:

To add a Third-Party type, click on +Add. Alternatively to deactivate or change a type, click on the Pencil icon:

When creating a Third-Party type, you have the option to specify fields to be completed when you link a third-party of that type to a client record.

For example, in the screenshot above, if an Insurer is selected, the user will be able to enter information into the following fields:

Policy Number
Authorisation Code
Authorised Sessions

You can see this information in the 'Fields' column.

The screenshot below shows how to add two fields to the "Medico-Legal" type. Just click on the Pencil icon and under 'Fields', enter the names of the fields that you would like to be added. IMPORTANT: Labels should be separated by commas and no spaces.

You will then be able to enter information into these fields when you attach a third party of this type to a client profile:

Updated on: 12/02/2025

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