Articles on: Forms & Assessments

How do I get consent via email?

Before you can use the consent feature, you must first make sure that you have created a consent form. The following article explains how to do this:

How do I create a consent form?

Choose an Active Patient

Click on Create -> Consent:

Select the consent form that you would like to use. If you do not have any set up yet, read How do I create a consent form? to learn how.

Click on the Consent via Email button, and you will be taken through to the email screen. NOTE: The 'Consent via Email' button will only be available if an email address is recorded for the client:

You will notice that you can ONLY direct the consent to the email addresses associated with the patient's account. This is a protection to ensure that you capture consent in the correct way (for GDPR).

Enter a subject and some text for the email (this is the email that the client receives, which contains the link to the consent portal, where the client can view the form and grant consent. Be sure to add all the information to the email that the client may need to help them complete the consent).

Choose a consent email template, if you have some set up. If not, here's an example template for GDPR consent.

In your message, you must add the 'Consent Link' variable, which is the link that the client clicks on in the email to access the consent form in the portal. You do this by clicking on the VAR button in the editor and scrolling down to 'Consent Link'. See below:

If you do NOT add the 'Consent Link' variable, you will not be able to send the email and you will see a red error message asking you to add the variable before sending.

Click on Send Email

Your client will then receive an email, which will look something like this:

All they need to do is click on the 'Review Consent Form' link, and they will be taken through to the consent portal where they can review your consent text, confirm their relationship to the client (if they are not the client) and specify their name. Here's an example of what the portal looks like along with some annotation, so you know where the information that is presented in the portal is derived from:

Once your client has clicked Consent, a log entry will be made in the 'Privacy' tab of their Patient Summary, as below. It shows the name of the form that has been consented to, the method of consent, who has consented and the relationship of the consenter to the client:

If you click on a row you can view the full details of the consent form. At the top-left of the page, you will see details of who provided consent, how and when they provided consent and the version number of the consent form that they consented to:

You will also see a visual cue in the Active Patient button that consent has been granted, see below:

and you will see a visual indication on the 'Patient' tab of the Patient Summary, where a green icon indicates that consent has been granted.

An orange icon here means that consent has been sent, but not yet granted.

Updated on: 20/01/2025

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