How do I send a Smart Form to a client?
When a Smart Form is sent, the recipient receives an email containing a link to the online portal, where they can complete the form. Depending on your access code settings, they may also receive an access code via SMS or email.
To send a Smart Form with Email access codes used, or no access codes, you will need to have:
An email address recorded for the recipient
And to send a Smart Form with SMS access codes turned on, you will need to have:
An email address recorded for the recipient
A mobile number recorded for the recipient
SMS credits on your account
Smart Forms can be sent in two different ways from WriteUpp:
As a link inserted into an email from anywhere in WriteUpp
As a standalone Smart Form from Create -> Form/Assessment
Both ways of sending a Smart Form result in the same outcome, but there are a couple of advantages to sending forms by adding the link to an email. These are:
Forms can be embedded within automated appointment messages, like confirmations and reminders
Multiple forms can be sent within the same email
Both Consent and Smart Forms can be sent at the same time
You have the opportunity to personalise the email the client receives when you send them the Smart Form(s)
Go to Create -> Email, or anywhere else in WriteUpp that you can send an email from (e.g. when emailing an invoice post-treatment)
Select the recipient from the To field, and add a subject and content to the body of your email, or select a template.
To add a form, click on the Forms icon within the toolbar:

This will open the 'Select a form' modal. Use the search bar or browse the forms to find the one you would like to include. You can use the 'Consents forms' and 'Smart forms' tabs at the top of the modal to refine your search:

Choose a form by ticking the box to the right of the row, and then clicking on Insert Form:

The form will then be added to the body of your email as a link:

Please do not edit the URL associated with the link, as this is what takes the client to the form when they click on it. Editing the URL will break the link and prevent it from working.
Repeat steps 3 - 5 to add any additional forms to your email, for example to include both a Registration form and a Consent form:

Finish composing your message and then click on Send Email.
Access codes for smart forms sent this way will use what you have selected in your General settings under ‘Smart Form completion’. For example, if you have Email selected, then the recipient will receive access codes for the linked Smart Forms via email. You can read more about customising access codes for Smart Forms here.
Click on Create -> Form/Assessment
Choose which form you would like to send and click on the DM icon at the end of the row under the 'Send as Smart form' heading:

NOTE: Do not open the form and then send it to the client using the DM icon at the bottom right of the screen, as this will send it in a non-editable state
Select a recipient from the list of parties linked to your Active Client:

Enter a message, choose an expiry date and change the access code setting, if needed. When you are happy, click Send:

You will then see confirmation that your message has been sent.
Via this method, the email the client receives is non-customisable and deliberately doesn't contain any identifiable information, other than the recipients name. The text in the email containing the link for the Smart Form will vary depending on the access code setting you use. For example, if you use SMS codes, the client will be advised that a code will be sent via SMS to their mobile phone when they click the form link.
To be able to customise what your clients see in the email containing the Smart Form, you should add the form link to an email instead, as discussed here.
Sending standalone Smart Forms this way gives you the opportunity before sending to edit how the access code for that Smart Form is received. Changing this does not affect your General setting. An example of where this may be useful is if you have SMS selected in your settings but you realise the client you are sending a Smart Form to does not have a mobile number saved to their profile. Instead of having to go to your settings to change how the access code is received, you can simply use the dropdown in the modal to change it to Email or None just for that form.
To send a Smart Form with Email access codes used, or no access codes, you will need to have:
An email address recorded for the recipient
And to send a Smart Form with SMS access codes turned on, you will need to have:
An email address recorded for the recipient
A mobile number recorded for the recipient
SMS credits on your account
Smart Forms can be sent in two different ways from WriteUpp:
As a link inserted into an email from anywhere in WriteUpp
As a standalone Smart Form from Create -> Form/Assessment
Both ways of sending a Smart Form result in the same outcome, but there are a couple of advantages to sending forms by adding the link to an email. These are:
Forms can be embedded within automated appointment messages, like confirmations and reminders
Multiple forms can be sent within the same email
Both Consent and Smart Forms can be sent at the same time
You have the opportunity to personalise the email the client receives when you send them the Smart Form(s)
To send a Smart Form as a link within an email:
Go to Create -> Email, or anywhere else in WriteUpp that you can send an email from (e.g. when emailing an invoice post-treatment)
Select the recipient from the To field, and add a subject and content to the body of your email, or select a template.
To add a form, click on the Forms icon within the toolbar:

This will open the 'Select a form' modal. Use the search bar or browse the forms to find the one you would like to include. You can use the 'Consents forms' and 'Smart forms' tabs at the top of the modal to refine your search:

Choose a form by ticking the box to the right of the row, and then clicking on Insert Form:

The form will then be added to the body of your email as a link:

Please do not edit the URL associated with the link, as this is what takes the client to the form when they click on it. Editing the URL will break the link and prevent it from working.
Repeat steps 3 - 5 to add any additional forms to your email, for example to include both a Registration form and a Consent form:

Finish composing your message and then click on Send Email.
Access codes for smart forms sent this way will use what you have selected in your General settings under ‘Smart Form completion’. For example, if you have Email selected, then the recipient will receive access codes for the linked Smart Forms via email. You can read more about customising access codes for Smart Forms here.
To send a standalone Smart Form:
Click on Create -> Form/Assessment
Choose which form you would like to send and click on the DM icon at the end of the row under the 'Send as Smart form' heading:

NOTE: Do not open the form and then send it to the client using the DM icon at the bottom right of the screen, as this will send it in a non-editable state
Select a recipient from the list of parties linked to your Active Client:

Enter a message, choose an expiry date and change the access code setting, if needed. When you are happy, click Send:

You will then see confirmation that your message has been sent.
Via this method, the email the client receives is non-customisable and deliberately doesn't contain any identifiable information, other than the recipients name. The text in the email containing the link for the Smart Form will vary depending on the access code setting you use. For example, if you use SMS codes, the client will be advised that a code will be sent via SMS to their mobile phone when they click the form link.
To be able to customise what your clients see in the email containing the Smart Form, you should add the form link to an email instead, as discussed here.
Sending standalone Smart Forms this way gives you the opportunity before sending to edit how the access code for that Smart Form is received. Changing this does not affect your General setting. An example of where this may be useful is if you have SMS selected in your settings but you realise the client you are sending a Smart Form to does not have a mobile number saved to their profile. Instead of having to go to your settings to change how the access code is received, you can simply use the dropdown in the modal to change it to Email or None just for that form.
Updated on: 22/02/2024
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