How do I know if a Smart Form has been sent to a client?
Sent Smart Forms show in two different places on the Client Summary, allowing you to see what has been sent and when. You will see:
The message sent alongside a Smart Form on the Message tab
An entry for the form itself once it has been sent on the Forms/Assessments tab
You can see sent Smart Forms on the Messages tab of the Client Summary. If you have sent a form via a link in an email, a Smart Form entry will appear below the email entry:

If you click into the Smart Form entry, the message summary displays the form name:

If you have sent a form via the standalone Smart Form pathway, from the list of favourite forms under Create -> Form/Assessment, again you will see the Smart Form entry on the Messages tab. The message summary displays the cover message sent with the form:

Smart Forms are saved to the Grid view of the Forms/Assessments tab of the Client Summary once they have been sent, allowing you to see what has been sent, what has been returned and what is outstanding. The Status column indicates where in the process a form is at:

Sent = The form has been sent to the client, but they have not started completing it yet.
Autosaved = The autosave functionality, which kicks in when a client is entering information, has picked up content and is saving it as they go.
Please note, if you have the access code setting set to 'none', autosave will not be present when a client is completing a Smart Form, due to security reasons. You can read more about how access codes affect the Smart Form pathways here.
Draft = The form has been saved and submitted by the client, and can be opened to view the content
Sent and Autosaved forms will not appear on the List view of the Forms/Assessments tab. Only completed forms can be veiwed here.
If a client advises that they have completed a Smart Form, but it still has the status of "Autosaved" on the Forms/Assessments tab, then they have not yet saved it. Please ask the client to find the email containing the form link and use the same access code to reopen the form. They must then scroll to the bottom of the form and click on 'Save' and then 'Continue' to complete the process (If an access code was not used, then the information in the form will not have autosaved and the client will have to complete it again - for this reason we always recommend using either email or SMS access codes).
The message sent alongside a Smart Form on the Message tab
An entry for the form itself once it has been sent on the Forms/Assessments tab
Messages tab
You can see sent Smart Forms on the Messages tab of the Client Summary. If you have sent a form via a link in an email, a Smart Form entry will appear below the email entry:

If you click into the Smart Form entry, the message summary displays the form name:

If you have sent a form via the standalone Smart Form pathway, from the list of favourite forms under Create -> Form/Assessment, again you will see the Smart Form entry on the Messages tab. The message summary displays the cover message sent with the form:

Forms/Assessments tab
Smart Forms are saved to the Grid view of the Forms/Assessments tab of the Client Summary once they have been sent, allowing you to see what has been sent, what has been returned and what is outstanding. The Status column indicates where in the process a form is at:

Sent = The form has been sent to the client, but they have not started completing it yet.
Autosaved = The autosave functionality, which kicks in when a client is entering information, has picked up content and is saving it as they go.
Please note, if you have the access code setting set to 'none', autosave will not be present when a client is completing a Smart Form, due to security reasons. You can read more about how access codes affect the Smart Form pathways here.
Draft = The form has been saved and submitted by the client, and can be opened to view the content
Sent and Autosaved forms will not appear on the List view of the Forms/Assessments tab. Only completed forms can be veiwed here.
If a client advises that they have completed a Smart Form, but it still has the status of "Autosaved" on the Forms/Assessments tab, then they have not yet saved it. Please ask the client to find the email containing the form link and use the same access code to reopen the form. They must then scroll to the bottom of the form and click on 'Save' and then 'Continue' to complete the process (If an access code was not used, then the information in the form will not have autosaved and the client will have to complete it again - for this reason we always recommend using either email or SMS access codes).
Updated on: 03/04/2024
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