How do I know if consent has been granted?
There are a number of ways you can see whether or not a client has consented to a consent form:
Once you have gained consent from your client (either in person or via email), a log entry will be made in the 'Privacy' tab of their Patient Summary, as below. It shows the name of the form that has been consented to, the method of consent, who has consented and the relationship of the consenter to the client.

If you click on a row you can view the form that was consented to, allowing you to see full details, including the version number.
You will see a visual cue in the Active Patient button when consent is granted, see below:

You will also see a visual indication on the 'Patient' tab of the Patient Summary, where a green icon indicates that consent has been granted:

An orange icon here means that consent has been sent to the client via email, but has not yet been granted.
Once you have gained consent from your client (either in person or via email), a log entry will be made in the 'Privacy' tab of their Patient Summary, as below. It shows the name of the form that has been consented to, the method of consent, who has consented and the relationship of the consenter to the client.

If you click on a row you can view the form that was consented to, allowing you to see full details, including the version number.
You will see a visual cue in the Active Patient button when consent is granted, see below:

You will also see a visual indication on the 'Patient' tab of the Patient Summary, where a green icon indicates that consent has been granted:

An orange icon here means that consent has been sent to the client via email, but has not yet been granted.
Updated on: 23/04/2024
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