How do you complete an Assessment?
To complete an Assessment for a client:
Ensure that the patient is the Active Client and that their name appears in the top right hand corner
Click on Create -> Form/Assessment

You will be taken to the Favourite Forms page where you can choose the assessment that you wish to use. Click on the name of it to open it:

If you don't see any assessments listed here, you haven't favourited or created any using the form builder yet. You'll need to do this first!
The Assessment form will open. Complete the fields of the form and be sure to either Save & Continue or Save & Exit when you are finished. The form will then be saved to the 'Forms/Assessments' tab of the Patient Summary.
If you realise when you have already started writing an assessment that you have the wrong Active Patient, don't panic! Just select the 'Switch' icon and search for the patient you need. Your assessment will then be linked to your new Active Patient when it is saved. Please note, if you have saved the form before you realise the mistake you will not be able to use the 'Switch' function.
Ensure that the patient is the Active Client and that their name appears in the top right hand corner
Click on Create -> Form/Assessment

You will be taken to the Favourite Forms page where you can choose the assessment that you wish to use. Click on the name of it to open it:

If you don't see any assessments listed here, you haven't favourited or created any using the form builder yet. You'll need to do this first!
The Assessment form will open. Complete the fields of the form and be sure to either Save & Continue or Save & Exit when you are finished. The form will then be saved to the 'Forms/Assessments' tab of the Patient Summary.
If you realise when you have already started writing an assessment that you have the wrong Active Patient, don't panic! Just select the 'Switch' icon and search for the patient you need. Your assessment will then be linked to your new Active Patient when it is saved. Please note, if you have saved the form before you realise the mistake you will not be able to use the 'Switch' function.
Updated on: 21/12/2023
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