Articles on: Other Integrations

Physitrack troubleshooting

This article addresses some issues you might come across when setting up Physitrack

An error occurred: 404 - Not Found OR This site can't be reached

These errors might be seen after clicking on Open in Physitrack from the active patient dropdown

If you see errors when opening in Physitrack, please check the URL entered when enabling the integration. It shouldn't include anything which appears after ".com/" but must include everything up to and everything the forward slash:

In this example, you'd just enter "" within WriteUpp.

You must enter the URL up to the end of the '/' displayed above. For example, if you're based in the UK, you need to enter exactly in that format to enable the connection between WriteUpp and PhysiTrack to be made

Patient doesn't open in Physitrack

If you click on Open in Physitrack and get taken to the default library screen rather than the patients Physitrack details, check the integration and API information in your Physitrack account. Make sure WriteUpp is selected from the Integrations dropdown within My Account -> Settings, and that your API key is entered and saved just below.

Updated on: 09/08/2022

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