Can I book appointments for other users?
You can book an appointment for any user who is registered on your WriteUpp site. There are a number of ways you can do this:
Whilst on the Diary screen, select the name of the user you wish to book the appointment for from the side panel to the left of the Diary. To open the side panel, hover over the >> symbol along the left-hand side.
You will then be able to see the other user's diary and book appointments directly into their diary using the normal process:
You can see other users diaries in all diary views - Day, Week and List view
Alternatively, you can change who the appointment is with from the appointment modal using the With dropdown:
The appointment will then save directly into the diary of the user you selected from the With dropdown.
Another option is to go to Create -> Appointment and specify in the Who do they want to be treated by? dropdown, who the appointment will be with. Then, when you click Find Next Available Appointment, it will only show results for the user you specified:
For more information on booking an appointment this way, please click here.
Whilst on the Diary screen, select the name of the user you wish to book the appointment for from the side panel to the left of the Diary. To open the side panel, hover over the >> symbol along the left-hand side.
You will then be able to see the other user's diary and book appointments directly into their diary using the normal process:
You can see other users diaries in all diary views - Day, Week and List view
Alternatively, you can change who the appointment is with from the appointment modal using the With dropdown:
The appointment will then save directly into the diary of the user you selected from the With dropdown.
Another option is to go to Create -> Appointment and specify in the Who do they want to be treated by? dropdown, who the appointment will be with. Then, when you click Find Next Available Appointment, it will only show results for the user you specified:
For more information on booking an appointment this way, please click here.
Updated on: 09/08/2023
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