Appointment Types
How do I add an Appointment Type?
Appointment types are used when booking appointments into your diary. You can set up as many appointment types as you need, with different default durations and associated costs, to help manage your bookings. To add an Appointment Type: Go to Settings -Scheduling -Appointment Types and click on Create New Appointment Type Complete the fields displayed: You'll need to enter: A name, for example 'Initial Appointment' A type, either a *Patient AppointmentPopularAdding 'buffer time' between appointments
If you need admin, setup or cleaning time between patients, you can ask WriteUpp to include a "buffer time" in your appointments when they are booked. This is non-chargeable time outside of the time you spend with a patient, but will be included within the length of the appointment when it is booked into your diary, to ensure a gap is left. It is an entirely optional setting, if you would prefer that gaps between patients are more visible within your diary, you can use a non-patient appointmFew readersCan I colour code appointments by type?
No, this is not a specific feature of WriteUpp. Instead, we use colour coding of appointments in the diary to signify the status of an appointment, such as: Booked Complete DNA - Did Not Attend Cancelled Invoiced Learn more about appointment statuses below: How do I add an Appointment Status? How do I change the colour of an appointment status? ( readersWhy should I create patient-related appointments?
In WriteUpp, you can create two types of appointment - Patient and Non-Patient related appointments. A patient related appointment, for example, would be a consultation with a patient, whereas a non-patient appointment would be something like a meeting, a holiday or something that is totally unrelated to a client. For any appointments where you are seeing/treating a patient, you should ONLY use a patient related appointment.Few readersHow do I change the default duration of an appointment?
The default duration of appointments in WriteUpp is set to 30 minutes. You can change this by going to Settings -> Scheduling -Appointment Types tab. From here you can either Add a new appointment Type or select Edit next to an existing one to change the duration:Few readersAppointment type availability at specific times
If you'd like to offer specific appointment types at specific times, you can use multiple locations and timetabling to define when these appointment types can be booked. To do this, you'll need to have multiple locations set up, and then set your appointment types as available at the relevant locations, depending on what you'd like to book and when. You'll then need to add a timetable to your diary (or edit an existing one), which uses the locations you add to control what can be offered when.Few readers
Appointment Statuses
How do I add an Appointment Status?
To add a new Appointment Status: Go to Settings -Scheduling and click on the Appointment Statuses tab: Click the Create New Appointment Status button: Give the Appointment Status a name Select a colour from the dropdownSome readersHow do I change the colour of an appointment status?
Changing the colour of an appointment status couldn't be easier! Just go to Settings -Scheduling and click on the Appointment Statuses tab: Find the appointment status you'd like to change and click on the Edit link at the end of the row. Alternatively, if you want to create a new status, select the Create new appointment status button. You will tFew readersHow can I measure my DNA rates?
To reduce your DNA rates, you need to measure them. This brief article explains what you need to do to measure your DNA rates from within WriteUpp: Create a a new appointment status and call it "DNA", or something similar. Read How do I add an appointment status to learn how to do this. Record DNA's as and when they occur by setting the appointment status of the appointment to "DNA" instead of "completeFew readersHow do I edit an appointment status?
If you need to make any changes to an existing appointment status: Go to Settings -Scheduling -Appointment Statuses: Click on Edit next to the status you'd like to change: Make the changes you need to make and then click SaveFew readers
Appointment Communications
What are trigger events?
There are certain events in WriteUpp which can automatically generate a communication to a patient. These are: Booking - Single - sends an immediate confirmation of an appointment Booking - Recurring - sends an immediate confirmation of a recurring appointment General Change (/en/article/how-do-i-let-my-patFew readersHow do I remove SMS templates for appointment communications?
To remove an SMS template: Go to Settings -Scheduling -Appointment Communication Click on SMS Templates at the foot of the screen Click the trash can icon alongside the template you'd like to delete: The template will be deleted, you'll no longer see it on the list and it will no longer be available within the Message template dropdown when cFew readersHow do I delete a communication trigger?
To remove a communication trigger: Open the main menu and go to Settings -Scheduling -Appointment Communication Click on the three dots at the end of the row containing the trigger you'd like to delete, and select Delete You'll see a red Trigger has been Deleted banner and it will no longer appear on the listFew readersHow do I remove email templates for appointment communications?
To remove an email template: Go to Settings -Scheduling -Appointment Communication Click on Email Templates at the bottom of the screen Click the trash can icon alongside the template you'd like to delete The template will be deleted, you'll no longer see it on the list and it will no longer be available within the Message template dropdown when creating a communication trigger.Few readers
Introduction to Booking Appointments
Guide To Booking An Appointment [Video]
Here's a video showing how to book an appointment: Please note that some on screen elements may have changed since this video was recorded but the process is largely the same!Some readersGuide to booking appointments via Create -> Appointment
Going to Create -Appointment provides you with a quick way to find the next available appointment in your diary, and to see availability across multiple diaries in multiple locations. By choosing the appointment type you are looking to book, you can then either choose to search for availability with all users and locations, or define a particular person or place. It can help you: Save time when searching for appointments See availability quickly and easily across the entire tFew readersCan I book an appointment in non-available time?
In the diary, you can only directly book into slots within your working hours, as defined in Settings -My Settings. However, if you want an appointment to appear in non-available time (i.e. over a break or non-working hours), you can do that in one of the following ways: When first booking the appointment, click on an available slot in the diary and then manually alter the time/date of the appointment to appear in non-available time: ( readersHow do I book an appointment in the past?
To book an appointment that has already taken place, simply follow the steps below: Open the Diary in WriteUpp Click on the date range at the top of the page Select the date that the appointment took place from the drop-down calendar: Click on the time slot that the appointment took place and book the appointment as you would normally Save the appointFew readersHow do I book an Appointment?
To book an appointment: Go to the Diary by clicking on the Diary icon: Toggle to the day you want by using the forward and backward buttons or the mini-calendar Click on the space in the Diary where you want to book the appointment. The appointment modal will appear:Few readersHow do I book an Appointment when I'm in "List" view?
To book an appointment when you are in List view: Select Create at the top of the page: Select Appointment from the dropdown menu The New Appointment page will open: ( readersCan I book appointments for other users?
You can book an appointment for any user who is registered on your WriteUpp site. There are a number of ways you can do this: Whilst on the Diary screen, select the name of the user you wish to book the appointment for from the side panel to the left of the Diary. To open the side panel, hover over the >symbol along the left-hand side. You will then be able to see the other user's diary and book appointments ( readers
Booking other Appointment Types
How do you book a recurring Appointment?
Recurring appointments, that is, a series of appointments booked on the same day and time at set intervals for a period of weeks/months, can be set up when booking appointments into your diary. These can be either patient or non-patient related and are set up only when booking new appointments. If you are editing an existing appointment, you won't see the option to set a recurrence.Some readersDoes WriteUpp support group/class bookings?
WriteUpp doesn't explicitly support group bookings, where you add clients/patients to a single, specific appointment. However, you can book multiple clients into the same slot in your diary, allowing you to schedule a 'group' booking in this way. The following article explains how: Book client 1 into the diary as you normally would do. The appointment will appear in the diary like this: ( readersHow do I work with couples in WriteUpp?
There are a number of features in WriteUpp that will help when you are working with couples. Identifying the Couple You have a number of ways to indicate that an individual is part of a couple: Tags - Use a tag like "Couple" to indicate that the client is part of a couple Next of Kin (NoK) - Use the NoK fields to specify the name of the partner Custom Fields - If you don't want to use the NoK option, you could use a Custom Field to specify the name of the person'Few readersWhat is the best way to manage Block Bookings?
There is no specific or "best way" to handle block bookings in WriteUpp, but here is our advice on a way that we think could work for you. Say, for example, you have a patient that has pre-paid for a block of 5 sessions and would like to see you on a weekly basis. It's important that you can see how many of these appointments that the patient has attended, cancelled or has left to attend. To do this we would suggest the following: Create appointments types called 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5 and 5/5Few readersHow do I create a multi-resource appointment?
To create a multi-resource appointment, just follow these steps: Click on the diary in a free time slot to book the appointment When the appointment window appears, click on the With dropdown and select the name(s) of the other clinicians/team members that will be involved in the appointment You can see it in action below:Few readersHow do I create a non-chargable appointment?
There may be an instance in which you wish to book an appointment for a patient, but you do not want them to be charged/invoiced for seeing you. To do this, you just need to create an appointment type with a £0.00 charge associated. To do this: Go to Settings -Scheduling and stay on the Appointment Types tab Click on the Create New Appointment Type button When entering details for the appointment type, add the Cost as £0.00: (https://storage.crisp.chatFew readers
Invoiced Appointments
Why can't I delete an appointment?
If you have raised an invoice for an appointment, you won't be able to delete the appointment from the diary. We do this for your protection, so that your diary matches the information on the associated invoice. If we didn't do this, HMRC would likely take a dim view of your record keeping.Some readersHow do I reschedule an appointment that has been invoiced and paid?
Sometimes, you may have to reschedule appointments that have been invoiced and paid for in advance. If you need to do this, you can either drag and drop the appointment in your diary to the new date and time, or manually change the date and start time from within the appointment modal.Few readers
Deleting Appointments
How do I delete an appointment?
To delete an appointment, simply follow the steps below: Open the diary Click on the appointment you'd like to delete When the appointment window opens, click the trashcan icon in the bottom right corner: Click 'Yes' when the confirmation box appearsFew readersHow do I delete a single instance of a recurring appointment?
To delete a single instance of a recurring appointment, follow these steps: Select the appointment you wish to delete from the diary Click on the Trashcan icon that appears at the bottom of the appointment window This will provide you with the option to delete 'This instance' of the appointment or 'All future' recurrences: Select This instanceFew readers
Appointments FAQ's
Numbering of appointments within a treatment episode
When clients are undergoing treatment, each appointment within an episode will be automatically numbered with a count displayed against the appointment. This is the Session Number and is designed to display how many appointments are booked in for a client within an episode. You will see the session count displayed in three places within WriteUpp: The Appointment modal when booking or viewing an appointment The Appointments tab of the Client Summary The Appointment Details pageFew readersUsing the timetable to manage availability and set up ad hoc clinics
If you have enabled multiple locations, you can use the timetable to adjust your availability for certain days, without affecting what you offer on other days. This can provide a way to handle a change to your scheduled start or end times for just one day, change your location as a one off, or account for any extra ad hoc clinics you might hold. You can find out how to do this below!Few readersWill I be notified if an appointment has been booked into my diary?
You can choose to receive notifications relating to various events within WriteUpp, including the booking of appointments into your diary by either another member of your team, or by a patient via online booking. Clicking on your username at the top of WriteUpp will open the Notifications panel. Unread notifications are indicated by a red number count: To manage your notifications,Few readersWhat do the icons mean in the window that appears when I want to edit an appointment?
When you click on an appointment in the diary, the appointment modal will open (see image below). Here you can edit the date and time of the appointment, along with other appointment details including location and status. Any changes will then be saved to the diary (as long as you press Save!): The appointment modal has various icons at the top, which allow you to perform a number of acFew readersHow to Edit the Starting the Session Number of an Episode
When you open a new episode for a client, you can edit the starting session number, so that the appointment count for that episode starts at a number other than ‘1’. If you do not choose to edit the starting session number, the first appointment will be numbered ‘1’, and the count will continue from there. The starting session number is a useful tool for keeping track of how many appointments a client has attended in an episode. You can read more about it here ( readers
Diary Views
How do I activate privacy mode in the diary?
To activate privacy mode within the diary, toggle the switch in the top left-hand corner of the page, from Name to Privacy: Once this has been switched, all the client names in your diary will disappear and client's WUID numbers will show instead:Few readersHow do I navigate around the diary?
To navigate around the diary, you can either: Scroll/swipe up and down the diary screen to view earlier and later times Click on the arrows to move forwards/backwards by a day or week, depending on your chosen diary view:Few readersHow do I see more information about an appointment without having to open it?
To see more information about an appointment, such as the start and end times, just hover your cursor over the appointment in the diary. You will see a grey box appear that lists further details: As you can see, it details both the start and end times of the appointment, the type of appointment and where the appointment is due to take place - all without having to open the appointFew readersCan I hide cancelled appointments in my diary?
If you would like to hide appointments with a status that means the client is not attending, you can use the 'Hide non-attending' filter to remove these from your diary view. You can find this filter within the menu of the diary side panel, which can be accessed via the grey bar down the left side of your diary screen: On a laptop or desktop computer, simply hover your mouse anFew readers
My Working Hours and Breaks
How do I block out time in my diary?
Whilst you may work regular hours/days, occasionally you may wish to block out time for holidays, conferences, supervision etc. The best way to do this is as follows: Go to Settings -> Scheduling and stay on the Appointment Types tab Click Create New Appointment Type and create an appointment type called Unavailable, or something similar. IMPORTANT: ensure it has the following attributes: ( do I change my hours and view in the Diary?
To edit your diary settings and working hours, head to Settings -My Settings. Diary Settings These are the settings that determine how your Diary looks: Diary Increments: Determines how many slots you see in your Diary. For example, if you set this to '15 Minute' increments, each hour in the diary would be split into 4 slots Default Diary View: Your Default View of the Diary - select from Day, Week or List view First Day of Week: Specify which day of thPopularI only work specific days, how do I reflect that in the diary?
To remove a day from your 'Working Hours', go to Settings -My Settings -Working Hours and deselect the day. Do this by unchecking the checkbox next to the day: This approach only works if your hours are the same each week. If you want to block availability on an ad-hoc basFew readersHow do I book into non-working hours?
If you have a clinician that is willing to do some extra clinics on a temporary basis, it probably doesn't make sense to change their working hours. However, you can still book in appointments manually, as below: In the diary below, you can see that working hours run until 17.00. The greyed out slots after 17.00 represent non-working hours: To bookFew readersHow do I handle irregular breaks?
The breaks feature enables you to specify a standard break, that occurs at the same time every day, for example lunch. However, if you take breaks at different times each day, you should: Create an Appointment Type called "Break" or something similar, making sure to specify that it is a Non-patient appointment type For each day, at the time of your break, insert an appointment using this Appointment Type to block out the time If your breaks are changeable during the week, but the sFew readersCan I change the start of the working week in the diary?
Yes, you can. Go to Settings -My Settings and under the Diary Settings section, you can specify what day of the week your diary starts on:Few readersHow do I change the colour of non-working hours?
To change the colour of your non-working hours in the diary: Go to Settings -> My Settings Scroll to the Diary Settings section Click on the colour picker dropdown next to Colour of non-working hours & breaks Choose a colour Click Save You can see it in action below:Few readers
Locations and Rooms
Guide to Locations
For those users that have practices in multiple locations, you can add these locations and manage them from within WriteUpp, so that you, your colleagues and your clients can book appointments in the right place. Setting up Locations To set up Locations: Open the Main Menu and go to Settings -Organisation. In the Your Organisation section, you should see a tickbox for 'Enable Multiple Locations', which should be unticked by default. Tick it and you will see a sectiSome readersHow do I schedule rooms?
At present, the WriteUpp diary is clinician-centric, so it is not 100% straightforward to set up a diary for rooms. However, there is a partial workaround, which involves setting up the rooms as users: Invite a new user, but instead of specifying a clinician's name, enter the name of the room: For the email address, we tend to recommend using an alias of yFew readersHow do I change the colour associated with a Location?
If you work from multiple locations, you can choose a different colour to represent each location. This means that when you set up your Timetable, each location will appear in a different colour in your diary, helping you to quickly see where you are scheduled and when: IfFew readers
Diary Settings
How do I view weekends in my diary?
To add Saturday and Sunday to your Diary view, head to Settings -My Settings. Under Diary Settings, you will see two checkboxes, one for 'Show Saturday in Diary' and another for 'Show Whole Weekend in Diary'. Tick the one that you require for your diary: To be able to book into Saturday or both Saturday and Sunday, you'll also need to set working hours for these daysFew readersHow do I set my diary to a default view?
In the diary you have 3 views to choose from: Day, Week or List view. You can set any of these as your default view, depending on which one you prefer or use the most. To do this: Go to Settings -> My Settings Scroll to Diary Settings Select one of the three views from the Default Diary View dropdown menu: Click SaveFew readersHow do I see more information in the Diary?
If the appearance of your diary seems compressed (you cannot see patient names or free slots clearly), you can adjust the 'Diary Increments' setting to increase the number of slots per hour. To do this, go to: Settings -My Settings and then scroll to Diary Settings Select the 'Diary Increments' dropdown highlighted above. The options are 5, 10, 15, 20Few readers
Syncing my Diary
How do I sync my diary with Google Calendar?
To set up a sync with Google Calendar: In WriteUpp, open the main menu and click on Integrations & Add Ons -Calendar Integrations -Configure If your calendar feed is already activated, copy the feed displayed If you don't see your calendar feed on screen, click on Activate the URL, which will then activate and display your URLPopularHow do I sync my diary with iCal?
To sync your WriteUpp Diary to iCal on macOS (iMac/MacBook etc): In WriteUpp, open the main menu and click on Integrations & Add Ons - Calendar Integrations - Configure If your calendar feed is already activated, copy the feed displayed If you don't see your calendar feed on screen, click on Activate the URL, which will then activate and display your URLSome readersHow to I sync my WriteUpp calendar to Outlook via my web browser?
In WriteUpp, open the main menu and click on Integrations & Add Ons -Calendar Integrations -Configure If your calendar feed is already activated, copy the feed displayed If you don't see your calendar feed on screen, click on Activate the URL, which will then activate and display your URLSome readersCan I sync from my calendar back to WriteUpp?
Unfortunately not. The sync that we provide is a 1-way feed. Changes made in WriteUpp are passed to iCal/Google Calendar but you can't change/create in iCal/Google Calendar and push appointments back into WriteUpp. The reason for this is that our calendar supports extra information relating to the appointment, such as Type & Status, that can't be specified in the other calendars (iCal, Outlook or Google Calendar).Few readersHow do I switch off Pll in the calendar feed?
If you'd like to integrate your WriteUpp calendar with an external calendar, such as iCal or Google Calendar, you can choose to display the client's full name (PII - Patient Identifiable Information) or, if you'd like to hide this information, you can select to show their WUID instead. To switch from PII to WUID, simply follow the steps below: Go to Settings and open the General tab Under 'What do you call your customers', you can specify what is shown in the calendar feed usiFew readers
Resource Groups
How do I see a colleague's diary alongside my own?
To view your colleagues' diaries alongside your own, go to the left of your diary screen and hover over the two arrows. The below panel will appear: Tick the names of the colleagues whose diaries you wish to see alongside your own. If there is a tick after the user's name, then their diary will appear on your screen. To untick a user, simply click on their name again.Some readersDiary Resource Groups
Diary resource groups give you the ability to create and view different groups of user's diaries, that are saved for ease of access. Particularly if you have a lot of users and a busy diary, this allows easier ad hoc changes to your diary view without having to manually select and deselect individual resources. Resource groups are available at the top of the diary sidebar if you have 2 or more users on your WriteUpp account: ( readers