Articles on: Patient Communication

Can I change when appointment reminders are sent out?

Reminders can be scheduled to be sent at the following times prior to an appointment:

1 hour before
2 hours before
1 day before
2 days before
3 days before
5 days before
7 days before

To change when reminders are sent...

Go to Settings -> Scheduling -> Appointment Communication.

Click on the three dots at the end of a row containing a reminder communication and choose Edit Trigger:

Using the When? dropdown box, choose when you would like the reminder to be sent:

You can add multiple reminders for each appointment.  For example, you might want to send an email reminder 7 days prior to an appointment, and then an SMS 1 day beforehand. You would just have to set up two communication triggers using the desired combination of options!

Please note that reminders are saved against an appointment at the time it is booked. If you set up a new reminder, any appointments already in the diary will not be sent that reminder; they will only be sent communications that were present at the time of booking.

Updated on: 29/10/2024

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