Articles on: Patient Communication

How do I opt-in patients to receive Email/SMS confirmations and reminders?

It's important that you receive consent from your client before you send out any SMS/Email confirmations and reminders. 

If your client has provided you with a mobile number or email address and you enter these details into the relevant boxes of the patient summary, they will automatically be "opted in" to receive communications.  If you don't want them to receive communications by either method of delivery, you can untick the relevant check box:

NOTE: If you enter a mobile number or email address, or check the opt-in box, after you've booked an appointment, no confirmation will be sent.  The patient will however receive reminders or any other appointment communications you have set up as long as they are opted in before these are scheduled to go. 

When you book an appointment, you'll see confirmation in the appointment modal of the contact details you have saved for that patient:

If any information is missing you can add it at this point by clicking on Edit Details

If, for example, you book an appointment for a patient and notice you do not have a mobile number saved for them, you can easily add it and ensure they receive the relevant communications.

In addition to patients added via the web based version of WriteUpp, new patients added via the below channels will also be auto opted in to communications:

via the diary using the switch function
via the app
via online booking (if used)
patients imported via the data import tool

Next of Kin Patient Communications

You can also choose to opt the Next of Kin into any patient communications.

Simply tick the checkbox below the NoK Email and/or Mobile Number field on the Patient Summary to opt the NoK into patient communications:

They will then receive a copy of any patient communications that are triggered when an appointment is booked. These may include confirmations and reminders, depending on what Appointment Communications you have set up under Settings (Guide to SMS and email appointment communications).

Unlike for the patient, the NoK will not automatically be opted into patient communications when an email or mobile number is added for them. You will have to tick the checkbox manually, to ensure they get opted in.

Updated on: 21/07/2023

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