Articles on: Patient Communication

Can I send an automatic message to a patient who did not attend an appointment?

Yes you can! You can use an automated appointment communication to send a message to a patient who DNA's an appointment, meaning you don't have to manually compose and send a message.  

This is done by using the trigger event Status Change and specifying that the message should be sent when an appointment status is changed to Did Not Attend (or the status you use to indicate a missed appointment).   

To set this up:

Open the Main Menu and select Settings -> Scheduling -> Appointment Communication, then click on New Trigger at the foot of the page

If you've already got a template you'd like to use, jump ahead to step 6. To set up a new template, choose your Method from the dropdown box and then click on Manage templates.

Click on +Add Template

Give your template a name and add the information you'd like to be sent to your patient then click Save Template:

You'll see the new template on the list and can click on Back to Message to finish setting it up

Method - Either SMS or Email
Message Template - The template created above for use with the delivery method
Event - Change Appointment Status
Change Status to - Did Not Attend (or the status you have set up to indicate a missed appointment)

Then Save:

Your new communication will be added to the list displayed

And if an appointment status is changed to 'Did Not Attend', the defined message will be sent to the patient:

Updated on: 20/06/2022

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