Articles on: Other Integrations

Connecting Square to WriteUpp

To use the Square integration, you first of all need to connect WriteUpp to your Square account.

Did you know that Stripe Unified can offer you lower transaction fees than a standard Stripe account, so why not consider integrating with Stripe instead? If you do wish to continue with the Square set up, please contact support and we will enable the integration on your site.

Only users with the role of Site administrator will be able to connect WriteUpp to a Square account

To connect a Square account:

Open the main menu and select Integrations & Add Ons.

Click on Configure within the Square section. If you do not see Square on this screen, then please contact WriteUpp support and we will activate the Square integration for you. You will then be able to continue with the setup.

Click on Connect my Square account:

If you are already connected to Stripe, you'll see a message on screen confirming that Stripe will be disconnected. Please confirm Yes to continue:

Stripe and Square cannot be connected at the same time, you will need to use one or the other

Follow the steps on screen to complete the connection process

Enter the email address and password for your Square account and click on Sign In:

You'll be asked to allow WriteUpp access to your Square account and the actions listed. These are the permissions WriteUpp needs to be able to send transactions through to your Square account:

If this is denied, we won't be able to connect to your account.

Once access has been allowed, you'll be taken back to WriteUpp and will see on screen that WriteUpp is connected to Square:

If you make any changes to the email address or password you use to log in to Square, you will need to renew your connection via WriteUpp. If you experience any problems with Square, you can also reconnect on this screen.

If we detect that anything has happened to disrupt your connection to Square, we'll send you a notification to let you know, that looks like this:

If you see this notification, click on Edit settings within the notification to head back to this set up page and reconnect your account.

Once you're connected to Square, you can start pairing your terminal(s) and confirming your online payment location.

If you're new to Square, you might find that after setting up your Square account, you need to wait for a couple of days for your bank account to be verified. This is part of the Square account setup process, but means that you can't take payments until the verification steps are complete. You can check your bank account status by going to the Square dashboard -> Account settings -> Account -> Bank Accounts -> Status. You'll also be able to see in here if you haven't already set up your bank account. If you're new to Square, we'd recommend signing up for your Square account, waiting until your bank account has been verified, and then connecting to WriteUpp and connecting the setup steps.

Square is only available to WriteUpp users based in the UK. For those of you who are not UK based, you will be able to set up Stripe.

Updated on: 10/02/2025

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