Creating a confirmation for a recurring video consultation
Setting up a confirmation of a recurring video consultation is handled separately from confirming a single video appointment. This allows you to provide additional information on a recurring series of appointments, confirm the details of the appointment and automatically provide your client with their secure video access link, all in one message! Saving you the time it would take to provide this manually to a client, they simply have to click on the link at the specified time to join you in the online "room".
The confirmation sent for a recurring video consultation contains the access link for the first session in the series only. Appointment reminders will be queued for each subsequent appointment, each containing the link specific to that session, so it's important to make sure you have these set up too.
We have provided a default template for you to use when confirming a recurring video consultation, for both SMS and email. You can of course modify this template to suit your needs, or create your own template to use. You can see the content of the default templates listed here for SMS and here for email.
If you joined WriteUpp after 23/04/2020, this is one of the predefined communications built into WriteUpp for you. If you don't see it on your list of communication triggers, just follow the steps below!
To set up a recurring video consultation confirmation:
Go to Main Menu -> Settings -> Scheduling -> Appointment Communication
Click on New Trigger at the bottom of the page
Use the dropdown boxes to create your communication trigger, then Save:
Method - Would you like to inform them via SMS or email?
Message template - What message would you like to send them to confirm their recurring video appointment?
Trigger event - Video booking - Recurring
If type is - Would you like the message to be sent for only a particular video appointment type?

If you need to make changes to a message template at this point, just click on Manage Templates to the right of the dropdown box
You'll see the new communication trigger added to the list
Once this is set up, when you book a recurring video consultation, the specified message will be sent.
The confirmation sent for a recurring video consultation contains the access link for the first session in the series only. Appointment reminders will be queued for each subsequent appointment, each containing the link specific to that session, so it's important to make sure you have these set up too.
We have provided a default template for you to use when confirming a recurring video consultation, for both SMS and email. You can of course modify this template to suit your needs, or create your own template to use. You can see the content of the default templates listed here for SMS and here for email.
If you joined WriteUpp after 23/04/2020, this is one of the predefined communications built into WriteUpp for you. If you don't see it on your list of communication triggers, just follow the steps below!
To set up a recurring video consultation confirmation:
Go to Main Menu -> Settings -> Scheduling -> Appointment Communication
Click on New Trigger at the bottom of the page
Use the dropdown boxes to create your communication trigger, then Save:
Method - Would you like to inform them via SMS or email?
Message template - What message would you like to send them to confirm their recurring video appointment?
Trigger event - Video booking - Recurring
If type is - Would you like the message to be sent for only a particular video appointment type?

If you need to make changes to a message template at this point, just click on Manage Templates to the right of the dropdown box
You'll see the new communication trigger added to the list
Once this is set up, when you book a recurring video consultation, the specified message will be sent.
Updated on: 17/06/2022
Thank you!