Articles on: CloudRx Integration

Enabling CloudRx

To use CloudRx through WriteUpp, a site administrator will first of all need to enable the integration by going to Main Menu -> Integrations & Add Ons and clicking on Configure under CloudRx.

Each user who is able to prescribe medication will need to be registered with CloudRx before sending prescriptions via WriteUpp, due to the verification process in place for registering with CloudRx. You can find out how to to that here.

The first step is to enter the clinic code for your practice. This is a unique identifier for your practice which is provided by CloudRx after registering with them. If you're not sure what your clinic code is, please contact CloudRx.

Entering and saving the clinic code will enable the integration for all other user groups on your WriteUpp account, with the option shown to them under Integrations & Add Ons. It'll also add a Generate prescription option to the active patient dropdown, which is what you'll use to create a new order.

The clinic code is site wide, it is linked to the organisation and sent to CloudRx with all orders from WriteUpp. Different clinic codes can't be set for different users, only one can be entered. The clinic code sent in the message should belong to the clinic the user is prescribing medicine from and therefore be the same for all users on a WriteUpp account.

Site administrators will then also see an additional section on screen to allow them to enter their own prescriber details if needed.

Once the clinic code has been entered and saved, each user who is able to prescribe medication should then enter their own prescriber details.

Updated on: 23/02/2023

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