Guide to the Client Summary
The Client Summary displays everything that relates to your current active client in a series of tabs:

You can change how you refer to your clients under Settings -> General -> What do you call your customers?
The Client tab is divided into a number of sections which group together similar information:
Key Information - Demographics including title, name, date of birth, address, source, language and ethnicity
Contact Info - Contact details for the client including home, work and mobile numbers, email address and opt in for automated appointment communications
Custom Fields - Text fields that you create yourself - Read more
Next of Kin - Information on the client's next of kin, including name, relationship and contact details
Tags - Tags that you define yourself for grouping and categorising patients - Read More
Third Parties - Any third parties that you have created and linked to the client
Lists - An overview of the lists you have created on your site. You can view what lists the client is already on and you can add/remove the patient from the lists as needed - Read more
External Links - Links to any other profiles or webpages
Other Information - A space to enter any other relevant information
Latest Activity - A scrollable list of all of any actions undertaken that relate to the client
Clicking on any of the Edit Details buttons takes you into 'Edit Mode', where you can add and update information in the record.
Edit Mode - This is a view of the Patient Tab that allows you to modify the demographic information for the Client.
The Notes Tab is separated into two views, the Grid and List views.
Grid View
Displays the Type, Date, Clinician, Episode and Status of each Note in a grid. You can click on each row to view the individual Note.
List View
Shows the contents of all the notes in a list style view. You can scroll down to view more notes and use the paging at the bottom to navigate through them. You can also filter by episode.

Tip 1: To print all of your Notes together, go to the List View and click the Print icon at the bottom of the page
Tip 2: To search through your Notes quickly, go to the List View, hit "Ctrl" + "F" (Windows) or "Cmnd" + "F" (Mac) and search the page
The Forms/Assessments Tab lists each Assessment in chronological order, with the newest at the top. The column headings are Type, Date, Completed by, Episode and Status. Clicking on any row takes you through to view the Assessment. As with the Notes tab, you can choose to see your Assessments in either Grid or List view.
The Appointments Tab lists each Appointment in chronological order, with the newest at the top. The column headings include Start Time/Date, Type, Clinician, Episode, Location, Status and Session Number. Whether or not the appointment has been invoiced is also stated. Clicking on the start time of an appointment takes you to the appointment information and history page for it.
If your patient has booked an Appointment through online booking, you will see the following banner in the Appointments tab:

The Tasks Tab lists each task in chronological order, with the newest at the top. The column headings are Subject, Due Date, Completion Date, Owner, Episode and Status. Clicking on any row takes you through to view the Task.
The Files Tab lists each file in chronological order, with the newest at the top. It lists each Document and Attachment with Name, Date, Type, Clinician, Episode and Status columns. Clicking on an attachment file name takes you through to view the document either in the Viewer (i.e. documents or images) or to a page where you can download the file if it cannot be rendered in the browser (i.e. Excel Documents). Clicking on a document file name allows you to view and edit (if you have rights) the document.
Any communications that are sent to the patient are added to the "Messages" tab in the patient summary along with all other SMS/Email confirmations and reminders. To see the details of any of the messages just click on the relevant row.
The Episodes Tab lists each Episode in chronological order, with the newest at the top. Episodes are automatically created for Patients and will remain open until they are Discharged. After this, any further interaction will result in a new Episode being automatically opened for them.
Column headings for the Episodes tab include Title, Date, Date Discharged, Clinician, Status and Description.
The Account Tab lists each Invoice in chronological order, with the newest at the top. The grid column headings are Invoice Date, Invoice Number, Ex. Tax, Tax, Inc. Tax, Outstanding, Status, Sent To, Payment Date and Comments. Clicking on the invoice number takes you through to view the Invoice.
Any Unpaid Invoice will have a Pay button in the row. Clicking on this will take you through to the Payment Details screen.
The Privacy tab lists sent consent forms for the client and details on which users have accessed the patient's record. It also shows who created the patient record and when, and who last made changes and when.
It lists each event with Date, Event and Who (the user involved) columns.

You can change how you refer to your clients under Settings -> General -> What do you call your customers?
The Client Tab
The Client tab is divided into a number of sections which group together similar information:
Key Information - Demographics including title, name, date of birth, address, source, language and ethnicity
Contact Info - Contact details for the client including home, work and mobile numbers, email address and opt in for automated appointment communications
Custom Fields - Text fields that you create yourself - Read more
Next of Kin - Information on the client's next of kin, including name, relationship and contact details
Tags - Tags that you define yourself for grouping and categorising patients - Read More
Third Parties - Any third parties that you have created and linked to the client
Lists - An overview of the lists you have created on your site. You can view what lists the client is already on and you can add/remove the patient from the lists as needed - Read more
External Links - Links to any other profiles or webpages
Other Information - A space to enter any other relevant information
Latest Activity - A scrollable list of all of any actions undertaken that relate to the client
Clicking on any of the Edit Details buttons takes you into 'Edit Mode', where you can add and update information in the record.
Edit Mode - This is a view of the Patient Tab that allows you to modify the demographic information for the Client.
The Notes Tab
The Notes Tab is separated into two views, the Grid and List views.
Grid View
Displays the Type, Date, Clinician, Episode and Status of each Note in a grid. You can click on each row to view the individual Note.
List View
Shows the contents of all the notes in a list style view. You can scroll down to view more notes and use the paging at the bottom to navigate through them. You can also filter by episode.

Tip 1: To print all of your Notes together, go to the List View and click the Print icon at the bottom of the page
Tip 2: To search through your Notes quickly, go to the List View, hit "Ctrl" + "F" (Windows) or "Cmnd" + "F" (Mac) and search the page
The Forms/Assessments Tab
The Forms/Assessments Tab lists each Assessment in chronological order, with the newest at the top. The column headings are Type, Date, Completed by, Episode and Status. Clicking on any row takes you through to view the Assessment. As with the Notes tab, you can choose to see your Assessments in either Grid or List view.
The Appointments Tab
The Appointments Tab lists each Appointment in chronological order, with the newest at the top. The column headings include Start Time/Date, Type, Clinician, Episode, Location, Status and Session Number. Whether or not the appointment has been invoiced is also stated. Clicking on the start time of an appointment takes you to the appointment information and history page for it.
If your patient has booked an Appointment through online booking, you will see the following banner in the Appointments tab:

The Tasks Tab
The Tasks Tab lists each task in chronological order, with the newest at the top. The column headings are Subject, Due Date, Completion Date, Owner, Episode and Status. Clicking on any row takes you through to view the Task.
The Files Tab
The Files Tab lists each file in chronological order, with the newest at the top. It lists each Document and Attachment with Name, Date, Type, Clinician, Episode and Status columns. Clicking on an attachment file name takes you through to view the document either in the Viewer (i.e. documents or images) or to a page where you can download the file if it cannot be rendered in the browser (i.e. Excel Documents). Clicking on a document file name allows you to view and edit (if you have rights) the document.
The Messages Tab
Any communications that are sent to the patient are added to the "Messages" tab in the patient summary along with all other SMS/Email confirmations and reminders. To see the details of any of the messages just click on the relevant row.
The Episodes Tab
The Episodes Tab lists each Episode in chronological order, with the newest at the top. Episodes are automatically created for Patients and will remain open until they are Discharged. After this, any further interaction will result in a new Episode being automatically opened for them.
Column headings for the Episodes tab include Title, Date, Date Discharged, Clinician, Status and Description.
The Account Tab
The Account Tab lists each Invoice in chronological order, with the newest at the top. The grid column headings are Invoice Date, Invoice Number, Ex. Tax, Tax, Inc. Tax, Outstanding, Status, Sent To, Payment Date and Comments. Clicking on the invoice number takes you through to view the Invoice.
Any Unpaid Invoice will have a Pay button in the row. Clicking on this will take you through to the Payment Details screen.
The Privacy Tab
The Privacy tab lists sent consent forms for the client and details on which users have accessed the patient's record. It also shows who created the patient record and when, and who last made changes and when.
It lists each event with Date, Event and Who (the user involved) columns.

Updated on: 15/05/2023
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