How do I customise Attachment Keywords?
Attachment Keywords are used to help categorise attachments that are being uploaded to patient records in WriteUpp. Keywords can be anything you may find useful to categorise by, such as:
Referral letter
Historic notes
You can create as many Attachment Keywords as you would like, but you can only associate one keyword with each attachment.
Click on the top left menu and go to Fields within 'Settings & Tools':
And choose Attachment Keywords:
Click on the +Add button and this will open the 'Add Attachment Keyword' modal:
Give the keyword a name
Select an order number for it, if you so wish. This defines where the keyword will appear in the dropdown list when you upload an attachment, with whichever you choose as 1 being your default keyword and populating in the box for you:
When you are happy with your new keyword, click Save in the modal, and it will be added to the list:
Go to Fields under 'Settings & Tools' in the main menu, and select the Attachment Keywords tab
Click on the Pencil icon at the end of the row of the keyword you would like to change:
This will open the 'Edit Attachment Keyword' modal. Make the necessary changes to the Name and Order fields
When you are happy, click Save and your keyword will be updated.
Go to Fields under 'Settings & Tools' in the main menu, and select the Attachment Keywords tab
Click on the Pencil icon of the keyword you would like to deactivate
This will open the 'Edit Attachment Keyword' modal. Untick the 'Active' checkbox:
Press Save. This will remove the keyword from the list, and also from the Keyword dropdown when you are uploading an attachment to WriteUpp under Create -> Attachment.
To view your deactivated Attachment Keywords, click the 'Show Inactive' checkbox at the bottom of your list of keywords. You can then click the Pencil icon and tick the 'Active' checkbox to reactivate a keyword.
Referral letter
Historic notes
You can create as many Attachment Keywords as you would like, but you can only associate one keyword with each attachment.
To add an Attachment Keyword...
Click on the top left menu and go to Fields within 'Settings & Tools':
And choose Attachment Keywords:
Click on the +Add button and this will open the 'Add Attachment Keyword' modal:
Give the keyword a name
Select an order number for it, if you so wish. This defines where the keyword will appear in the dropdown list when you upload an attachment, with whichever you choose as 1 being your default keyword and populating in the box for you:
When you are happy with your new keyword, click Save in the modal, and it will be added to the list:
To edit an Attachment Keyword...
Go to Fields under 'Settings & Tools' in the main menu, and select the Attachment Keywords tab
Click on the Pencil icon at the end of the row of the keyword you would like to change:
This will open the 'Edit Attachment Keyword' modal. Make the necessary changes to the Name and Order fields
When you are happy, click Save and your keyword will be updated.
To deactivate a Keyword...
Go to Fields under 'Settings & Tools' in the main menu, and select the Attachment Keywords tab
Click on the Pencil icon of the keyword you would like to deactivate
This will open the 'Edit Attachment Keyword' modal. Untick the 'Active' checkbox:
Press Save. This will remove the keyword from the list, and also from the Keyword dropdown when you are uploading an attachment to WriteUpp under Create -> Attachment.
To view your deactivated Attachment Keywords, click the 'Show Inactive' checkbox at the bottom of your list of keywords. You can then click the Pencil icon and tick the 'Active' checkbox to reactivate a keyword.
Updated on: 28/06/2024
Thank you!