Articles on: Patient Communication

How do I send a patient a reminder of an appointment but not a confirmation?

When booking an appointment, you have the option to 'skip' confirmation messages, if your patient would only like to receive a reminder of the appointment.

This might be particularly useful if, for example, you have a patient who doesn't want both a confirmation and then a reminder of an appointment. 

This can be done when booking the appointment.

To prevent confirmation of an appointment from being sent, but to ensure a reminder is still sent for that appointment:

Click on a free space in the diary to book an appointment. In the appointment modal, click on Edit details:

Toggle the 'Skip confirmations' switch to the right, then click Update:

Complete the rest of the appointment details and click Save.

No confirmations will be sent for the appointment, but the reminders will be queued as normal. If you go to the Appointments tab of the Patient Summary and select the appointment from the list, you will be able to see this:

Updated on: 31/10/2024

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