Articles on: Diary and Scheduling

Will I be notified if an appointment has been booked into my diary?

You can choose to receive notifications relating to various events within WriteUpp, including the booking of appointments into your diary by either another member of your team, or by a patient via online booking. Clicking on your username at the top of WriteUpp will open the Notifications panel. Unread notifications are indicated by a red number count:

To manage your notifications, click on your username in the top right corner of WriteUpp and choose Manage:

Within the list of events, you'll see an entry for both "Online booking appointment booking" and "Appointment booked for you":

You can then specify how you'd like to be notified of a booking:

Important - will be highlighted with a red line down the left side of the notification:

Show Dialog - appears as a pop-up on screen:

Leave the checkboxes blank - generates a standard notification:

If you don't want to receive a notification of these events, simply tick the box in the "Don't Show" column and they won't be displayed:

You can also select Show boost, which will display the notification in the bottom right of your screen or a Browser notification.

Want to read more about managing notifications and notification types? Click here.

If you choose to show the notification, then in both cases, clicking on View patient within the notification will take you to the Patient Summary of the patient who has been booked in, where you can see details of the upcoming appointment within the Appointments tab.  

You can also choose to receive an email when an appointment is made via online booking, which you can read more about here.

Updated on: 08/09/2023

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