Mailchimp Integration (v2.17.2)
In this release, we introduce the Mailchimp integration to WriteUpp! Read below for more information on that, as well as details on all the other improvements and bug fixes included in this release.⬇️
Mailchimp Integration - New clients and client updates in WriteUpp sync straight to your Mailchimp account when connected. The contact and tag export features make life easy, allowing you to manage your Mailchimp contacts through WriteUpp
Edit attachment information - when viewing an attachment under the Files tab of the Patient Summary, click the Pencil icon to edit the attachment information, including the description and keyword
In this release we bring you a new integration, Mailchimp! Mailchimp is an email marketing platform that automates your marketing and allows you to manage communication with large numbers of clients.

If you are already a Mailchimp user, then head to the Integrations page and connect your account to start syncing new clients to Mailchimp right away. If you do not have an account, then don't worry, take out a Mailchimp trial and start using the integration today! Mailchimp also offers a free plan, so be sure to check it out. Getting started is easy with the bulk export functionality, that allows you to export your whole client list straight into your chosen Mailchimp audience.
Benefits of linking your Mailchimp account to WriteUpp:
New clients created in WriteUpp will sync automatically to your default audience, creating a new contact in Mailchimp for the client
Any updates to client information made in WriteUpp will sync automatically to the corresponding contact in Mailchimp
New to Mailchimp or haven’t got a contact list set up yet? Once connected, you can bulk export your whole client list out of WriteUpp straight into Mailchimp.
Add tags to contacts in Mailchimp from various views across WriteUpp, including the Activity and Caseload views.
The Mailchimp integration setup is only available to Site Administrators. Please be aware that if you are a Privileged, Regular or Restricted user, you will NOT see the Mailchimp integration on the Integrations & Add Ons screen. Once the Site Administrator has connected a Mailchimp account to WriteUpp, then other user types on the site will be able to export tags and sync new clients to Mailchimp. However, only Site Administrators have access to the contact bulk export feature.
Want to learn more about the benefits of this Integration? Head to the Mailchimp section in the Help Centre to get started!
Following this release, it is now possible to edit attachments once they have been uploaded to the client record in WriteUpp.
Under the Files tab of the Patient Summary, when you click to view an attachment, you will now see a Pencil icon at the bottom of the viewer. Click this icon to open the ‘Edit Attachment’ modal:

Here, you can edit the Description, Keyword, Password setting and Visibility setting of the attachment.
Site Administrators can edit all attachments, regardless of ownership. Other user types will only be able to edit attachments they have uploaded.
It is not yet possible to edit attachment links once they have been uploaded, but watch this space for that coming soon!
Tools -> Manage Tags has moved to Fields. Head to Fields -> Patient Tags to delete any existing tags.
When you add a tag to a patient record, this tag gets created under Fields -> Patient Tags. When adding a tag to a patient record, you’ll see autocomplete suggestions based on what you are typing and the tags you have already added. This helps ensure your tags are consistent!
Warning: if you delete a tag under Patient Tags, it will be removed from all patient records it is associated with.
Across the various views in WriteUpp, including the Clients and Caseload views, we have added a new Export dropdown button, which when clicked opens a menu listing the 'Export to Excel' and 'Export to CSV' options.
If you have Mailchimp connected, it will also list a 'Mailchimp' option, allowing you to export tags to your Mailchimp audience from WriteUpp.
Validation has been added to the DOB and Date fields when completing a Smart Form in the portal. This is to prevent errors caused by a date being entered in an invalid format. The format must be DD/MM/YYYY or the recipient of the form will not be able to save and submit it back to you.
Please also note that if you send a Smart Form with an access code, then autosave will fail if the client has entered the date in an incorrect format. Their session will time out and they will be directed back to the access code screen. If a client gets in touch about this when completing a form containing a date field, then please ask them to make sure they are entering the date in the accepted format.
An improvement has been made to the information banner seen when an internal message is successfully delivered, but the email informing the user of the new message fails.
In this case, you will now see a green banner that reads “Message sent but email failed”. This means that the internal message has been sent to the user successfully, and they can login to WriteUpp to view it, but the email informing the user of the new message has failed to send.
If you see this banner, it may be worth checking that the email is correct on the profile of the user you are sending the message to.
In the Assessments tab of the Patient Summary, the episode that a Smart Form is sent out in will now be recorded against the form as soon as it is sent. Previously, for Smart Forms sent as standalone forms, the episode would only be recorded once the client had completed it.
This ensures that the Episode filter on the Assessments tab works correctly to filter both complete (Draft) and incomplete (Sent) forms.
The Custom Fields Tab under Fields has had a style update! Custom Fields can be created, edited, deactivated and ordered here. Custom fields created under Fields are added to the Patient Summary, and can be included on your invoice layout.
We have removed some more Classic assessment forms from the assessment shop, as they have now been replaced by Responsive versions.
We are in the process of replacing all Classic forms with Responsive ones. Classic assessment forms cannot be sent out to clients as Smart Forms, whereas Responsive forms can.
If you no longer see a Classic assessment form that you regularly use, then please head to the assessment shop and look for the Responsive version of the form. Once you have favourited the form, head to Create -> Form/Assessment and you will see that it now has a ‘Send as Smart Form’ option.
The form may look a little different, but will have all the same information as the Classic version.
If a user’s details are forgotten, but there are scan referrals saved that they created, then instead of seeing an error when viewing these referrals, the below warning message will be shown:

Warning: Once a user's details have been forgotten for, we can no longer retrieve the information for their referrals from Always forget a user's details with care!
Furthermore, we are now sending the mobile number recorded on the user profile to when a user is first connected. If no number is recorded for the user, the connection to can still be made with no phone number recorded.
We are now recognising capital letters in tags, so that the same tag but with a capital letter in will be treated as a separate tag (e.g. ‘shoulder’ and ‘Shoulder' would be listed as different tags under fields, in the Clients -> By Tag view, and in the Clients by Tag report). We have also improved the ‘Clients by Tag ‘report, so you can see from a glance how many clients have each tag.
When re-enabling the integration, only one set of buttons is present again. The status of your user (connected, disconnected, forgotten) when the integration was first disabled, will determine which set of buttons you see when is re-enabled.
If an assessment form is deleted under Settings -> Assessments, then the name of the deleted form can now be used to name a duplication of a form.
A spinner has been added to the ‘Upload image’ button when it has been clicked in the ‘Image upload’ modal, to prevent the button from being clicked again.
If the ordering of a list is changed using the column headers, then this is now reflected in the excel and CSV exports.
When in the editable state, the Lists section on the Patient Summary now scrolls with 7 or more lists created.
The green ‘Customised forms’ banner at the top of the Favourite Forms page would appear if you only had custom forms favourited. To avoid confusion, this banner has been removed for all user types.
Changing the page on the Assessments tab of the Patient Summary no longer resets the Episode filter back to ‘All’.
If you convert a notification relating to a client to a task, then the Active Client is now updated.
If you have List selected as your default diary view, then clicking 'View in diary' when viewing an appointment under the 'Appointments' tab of the Patient Summary, now directs you to the day of the appointment in List view and opens the appointment modal.
Key Updates
Mailchimp Integration - New clients and client updates in WriteUpp sync straight to your Mailchimp account when connected. The contact and tag export features make life easy, allowing you to manage your Mailchimp contacts through WriteUpp
Edit attachment information - when viewing an attachment under the Files tab of the Patient Summary, click the Pencil icon to edit the attachment information, including the description and keyword
New Features
Mailchimp Integration
In this release we bring you a new integration, Mailchimp! Mailchimp is an email marketing platform that automates your marketing and allows you to manage communication with large numbers of clients.

If you are already a Mailchimp user, then head to the Integrations page and connect your account to start syncing new clients to Mailchimp right away. If you do not have an account, then don't worry, take out a Mailchimp trial and start using the integration today! Mailchimp also offers a free plan, so be sure to check it out. Getting started is easy with the bulk export functionality, that allows you to export your whole client list straight into your chosen Mailchimp audience.
Benefits of linking your Mailchimp account to WriteUpp:
New clients created in WriteUpp will sync automatically to your default audience, creating a new contact in Mailchimp for the client
Any updates to client information made in WriteUpp will sync automatically to the corresponding contact in Mailchimp
New to Mailchimp or haven’t got a contact list set up yet? Once connected, you can bulk export your whole client list out of WriteUpp straight into Mailchimp.
Add tags to contacts in Mailchimp from various views across WriteUpp, including the Activity and Caseload views.
The Mailchimp integration setup is only available to Site Administrators. Please be aware that if you are a Privileged, Regular or Restricted user, you will NOT see the Mailchimp integration on the Integrations & Add Ons screen. Once the Site Administrator has connected a Mailchimp account to WriteUpp, then other user types on the site will be able to export tags and sync new clients to Mailchimp. However, only Site Administrators have access to the contact bulk export feature.
Want to learn more about the benefits of this Integration? Head to the Mailchimp section in the Help Centre to get started!
Edit attachment information
Following this release, it is now possible to edit attachments once they have been uploaded to the client record in WriteUpp.
Under the Files tab of the Patient Summary, when you click to view an attachment, you will now see a Pencil icon at the bottom of the viewer. Click this icon to open the ‘Edit Attachment’ modal:

Here, you can edit the Description, Keyword, Password setting and Visibility setting of the attachment.
Site Administrators can edit all attachments, regardless of ownership. Other user types will only be able to edit attachments they have uploaded.
It is not yet possible to edit attachment links once they have been uploaded, but watch this space for that coming soon!
Manage Tags moved to Fields
Tools -> Manage Tags has moved to Fields. Head to Fields -> Patient Tags to delete any existing tags.
When you add a tag to a patient record, this tag gets created under Fields -> Patient Tags. When adding a tag to a patient record, you’ll see autocomplete suggestions based on what you are typing and the tags you have already added. This helps ensure your tags are consistent!
Warning: if you delete a tag under Patient Tags, it will be removed from all patient records it is associated with.
Export dropdown on WriteUpp views
Across the various views in WriteUpp, including the Clients and Caseload views, we have added a new Export dropdown button, which when clicked opens a menu listing the 'Export to Excel' and 'Export to CSV' options.
If you have Mailchimp connected, it will also list a 'Mailchimp' option, allowing you to export tags to your Mailchimp audience from WriteUpp.
Date field validation in the Portal
Validation has been added to the DOB and Date fields when completing a Smart Form in the portal. This is to prevent errors caused by a date being entered in an invalid format. The format must be DD/MM/YYYY or the recipient of the form will not be able to save and submit it back to you.
Please also note that if you send a Smart Form with an access code, then autosave will fail if the client has entered the date in an incorrect format. Their session will time out and they will be directed back to the access code screen. If a client gets in touch about this when completing a form containing a date field, then please ask them to make sure they are entering the date in the accepted format.
Internal message sent but email failed to send banner
An improvement has been made to the information banner seen when an internal message is successfully delivered, but the email informing the user of the new message fails.
In this case, you will now see a green banner that reads “Message sent but email failed”. This means that the internal message has been sent to the user successfully, and they can login to WriteUpp to view it, but the email informing the user of the new message has failed to send.
If you see this banner, it may be worth checking that the email is correct on the profile of the user you are sending the message to.
Episode recorded against form when it is sent
In the Assessments tab of the Patient Summary, the episode that a Smart Form is sent out in will now be recorded against the form as soon as it is sent. Previously, for Smart Forms sent as standalone forms, the episode would only be recorded once the client had completed it.
This ensures that the Episode filter on the Assessments tab works correctly to filter both complete (Draft) and incomplete (Sent) forms.
Fields -> Custom Fields update
The Custom Fields Tab under Fields has had a style update! Custom Fields can be created, edited, deactivated and ordered here. Custom fields created under Fields are added to the Patient Summary, and can be included on your invoice layout.
More Classic assessment forms removed (only relates to sites taken out before April 2021)
We have removed some more Classic assessment forms from the assessment shop, as they have now been replaced by Responsive versions.
We are in the process of replacing all Classic forms with Responsive ones. Classic assessment forms cannot be sent out to clients as Smart Forms, whereas Responsive forms can.
If you no longer see a Classic assessment form that you regularly use, then please head to the assessment shop and look for the Responsive version of the form. Once you have favourited the form, head to Create -> Form/Assessment and you will see that it now has a ‘Send as Smart Form’ option.
The form may look a little different, but will have all the same information as the Classic version. updates
If a user’s details are forgotten, but there are scan referrals saved that they created, then instead of seeing an error when viewing these referrals, the below warning message will be shown:

Warning: Once a user's details have been forgotten for, we can no longer retrieve the information for their referrals from Always forget a user's details with care!
Furthermore, we are now sending the mobile number recorded on the user profile to when a user is first connected. If no number is recorded for the user, the connection to can still be made with no phone number recorded.
Bug Fixes
We are now recognising capital letters in tags, so that the same tag but with a capital letter in will be treated as a separate tag (e.g. ‘shoulder’ and ‘Shoulder' would be listed as different tags under fields, in the Clients -> By Tag view, and in the Clients by Tag report). We have also improved the ‘Clients by Tag ‘report, so you can see from a glance how many clients have each tag.
When re-enabling the integration, only one set of buttons is present again. The status of your user (connected, disconnected, forgotten) when the integration was first disabled, will determine which set of buttons you see when is re-enabled.
If an assessment form is deleted under Settings -> Assessments, then the name of the deleted form can now be used to name a duplication of a form.
A spinner has been added to the ‘Upload image’ button when it has been clicked in the ‘Image upload’ modal, to prevent the button from being clicked again.
If the ordering of a list is changed using the column headers, then this is now reflected in the excel and CSV exports.
When in the editable state, the Lists section on the Patient Summary now scrolls with 7 or more lists created.
The green ‘Customised forms’ banner at the top of the Favourite Forms page would appear if you only had custom forms favourited. To avoid confusion, this banner has been removed for all user types.
Changing the page on the Assessments tab of the Patient Summary no longer resets the Episode filter back to ‘All’.
If you convert a notification relating to a client to a task, then the Active Client is now updated.
If you have List selected as your default diary view, then clicking 'View in diary' when viewing an appointment under the 'Appointments' tab of the Patient Summary, now directs you to the day of the appointment in List view and opens the appointment modal.
Updated on: 06/02/2025
Thank you!