What to expect after sending a scan referral
Once you have sent a scan referral, a copy of it will be saved to the Files tab of the patient summary.
You’ll see it listed with the scan reference number under Name and the Type 'Attachment - Scan referral'. The status column will also contain the status as returned by scan.com:
Clicking on the name of the referral will take you to the form where you can view all the details, track the booking history and view the reports and images once they become available.

Once the patient has booked their appointment for the scan, the date, time and location will be added to the Scan Information section:
Not all centres will allow clients to book directly online. If a patient selects one of these centres, they will be contacted directly to arrange an appointment after they have made payment online. If this is the case, the scan information section will update with the location of the scan but not the date/time. The date/time will then be added here once confirmed by the centre.
Over at scan.com, the expert team of clinicians will review the referral information and the requested scan type and verify that it's appropriate. Within 2 days of the payment being made, the patient will be contacted by one of the scan.com team for a phone consultation, after which the referral will be completed.
The Scan Documents section will be updated with a link to the referral form once the patient has booked and paid online, and scan.com have completed the referral. This referral form will include both the details of the referral that was sent from WriteUpp and the answers to the safety questions provided by the patient. A PDF copy of the referral form will also be saved to the Files tab of the patient summary:

When the patient has attended their appointment and had their scan, the reports and images for it will also be added to the Scan Documents section once they become available. Generally you can expect to see 1 report and 1 image produced per body part scanned. Follow the links to the scan reports and images to view them online:

Once you have viewed scan reports for the first time, we’ll download and save a PDF copy directly to the Files tab of the patient summary. This allows you to retain a copy for your records regardless of your connection to scan.com, which will also be included in any access requests you generate for a patient:

We're unable to automatically save the scan images separately on the Files tab of the patient summary. If you'd like to also see these saved separately on the Files tab, you will need to manually export the images from the scan.com online image viewer and upload them as attachments within WriteUpp.
The Booking History will also be updated as the scan progresses, allowing you to see when the scan is booked, confirmed and completed:

You'll also receive regular emails from scan.com as the referral progresses through the pathway, including when it is confirmed, if it is cancelled, when it is complete and when the report is available.
You’ll see it listed with the scan reference number under Name and the Type 'Attachment - Scan referral'. The status column will also contain the status as returned by scan.com:

Clicking on the name of the referral will take you to the form where you can view all the details, track the booking history and view the reports and images once they become available.

Once the patient has booked their appointment for the scan, the date, time and location will be added to the Scan Information section:

Not all centres will allow clients to book directly online. If a patient selects one of these centres, they will be contacted directly to arrange an appointment after they have made payment online. If this is the case, the scan information section will update with the location of the scan but not the date/time. The date/time will then be added here once confirmed by the centre.
Over at scan.com, the expert team of clinicians will review the referral information and the requested scan type and verify that it's appropriate. Within 2 days of the payment being made, the patient will be contacted by one of the scan.com team for a phone consultation, after which the referral will be completed.
The Scan Documents section will be updated with a link to the referral form once the patient has booked and paid online, and scan.com have completed the referral. This referral form will include both the details of the referral that was sent from WriteUpp and the answers to the safety questions provided by the patient. A PDF copy of the referral form will also be saved to the Files tab of the patient summary:

When the patient has attended their appointment and had their scan, the reports and images for it will also be added to the Scan Documents section once they become available. Generally you can expect to see 1 report and 1 image produced per body part scanned. Follow the links to the scan reports and images to view them online:

Once you have viewed scan reports for the first time, we’ll download and save a PDF copy directly to the Files tab of the patient summary. This allows you to retain a copy for your records regardless of your connection to scan.com, which will also be included in any access requests you generate for a patient:

We're unable to automatically save the scan images separately on the Files tab of the patient summary. If you'd like to also see these saved separately on the Files tab, you will need to manually export the images from the scan.com online image viewer and upload them as attachments within WriteUpp.
The Booking History will also be updated as the scan progresses, allowing you to see when the scan is booked, confirmed and completed:

You'll also receive regular emails from scan.com as the referral progresses through the pathway, including when it is confirmed, if it is cancelled, when it is complete and when the report is available.
Updated on: 13/06/2023
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