Articles on: Patient Communication

How do I add location information to my appointment communications?

If you practice from multiple locations and have these set up within WriteUpp, then you might want to add information relating to the location of an appointment to your appointment communications.  

You can add the following information on locations to a message:

Next Appointment Location Name - ##NEXTAPPLOCNAME##
Next Appointment Location Address - ##NEXTAPPLOCADDRESS##
Next Appointment Location Postcode - ##NEXTAPPLOCPOSTCODE##
Next Appointment Location Phone - ##NEXTAPPLOCPHONE##

These variables can be found by clicking on the VAR dropdown when editing your SMS or email templates from under Settings -> Scheduling -> Appointment Communications:

These variables capture the information entered for locations from under Settings -> Organisation, so you will need to make sure that you have completed all of the fields for your locations:

You can read about setting up locations here.

Below is an example of how you could use these location variables in an appointment confirmation template: 

When a patient then receives the message, it will contain all of the information on the appointment location:

Updated on: 18/11/2024

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