Why are my notes, assessments and documents locked after 24 hours?
If your notes, assessments and documents lock automatically 24 hours after being created, then you will have the 'auto-lock' setting switched on under Settings -> General:

If this switch is blue and to the right as shown, WriteUpp will automatically lock all notes, assessments and documents 24 hours after they are created.
Once a note is locked, it can no longer be edited. To edit a locked note, a Site Administrator must unlock it again - How do I edit notes that have become read-only?
If you'd like more control over the locking of notes, assessments and documents, you can slide this setting to the left to switch it off:

All notes, assessments and documents within WriteUpp have a full version history to allow you to see previous versions, along with the date/time of the save and which user made the changes.
To learn more about locking and version control throughout WriteUpp, check out the below articles:
How do I manage locking for notes?
How do I manage locking for documents?
How do I manage locking for assessments & forms?

If this switch is blue and to the right as shown, WriteUpp will automatically lock all notes, assessments and documents 24 hours after they are created.
Once a note is locked, it can no longer be edited. To edit a locked note, a Site Administrator must unlock it again - How do I edit notes that have become read-only?
If you'd like more control over the locking of notes, assessments and documents, you can slide this setting to the left to switch it off:

All notes, assessments and documents within WriteUpp have a full version history to allow you to see previous versions, along with the date/time of the save and which user made the changes.
To learn more about locking and version control throughout WriteUpp, check out the below articles:
How do I manage locking for notes?
How do I manage locking for documents?
How do I manage locking for assessments & forms?
Updated on: 20/12/2023
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