Why can't I add a patient attachment when composing an email?
The email mechanism within WriteUpp is purposely simplistic to allow you to quickly send emails to colleagues, patients and clients. We, at WriteUpp, do not market ourselves as an email provider, we leave this job to the pros (Gmail, Yahoo etc.).
When you go to Create -> Email, you will see a blue 'Manage Attachments' button. When you click this, you will only see general files from the File Storage area. There will not be any files from the client record listed here.
Therefore, if you wish to email a patient file, you must do it when viewing the file directly. This might be an note, an invoice, a completed assessment, a document or an attached file. To do this, open the item you'd like to send and click on the envelope icon at the bottom of the screen:

If you have a patient-related file on your computer that you wish to send to the client, then you can upload it via Create -> Attachment, and email it from the file viewer. If it is a general file that you send out to all clients, such as a patient information leaflet, then you can upload this to the File Storage area and when you go to Create -> Email, you will be able to attach it by clicking on 'Manage Attachments'.
How do you attach or upload files to a client record?
How to Upload Files to File Storage
How to Attach Files from File Storage to Emails
When you go to Create -> Email, you will see a blue 'Manage Attachments' button. When you click this, you will only see general files from the File Storage area. There will not be any files from the client record listed here.
Therefore, if you wish to email a patient file, you must do it when viewing the file directly. This might be an note, an invoice, a completed assessment, a document or an attached file. To do this, open the item you'd like to send and click on the envelope icon at the bottom of the screen:

If you have a patient-related file on your computer that you wish to send to the client, then you can upload it via Create -> Attachment, and email it from the file viewer. If it is a general file that you send out to all clients, such as a patient information leaflet, then you can upload this to the File Storage area and when you go to Create -> Email, you will be able to attach it by clicking on 'Manage Attachments'.
How do you attach or upload files to a client record?
How to Upload Files to File Storage
How to Attach Files from File Storage to Emails
Updated on: 13/01/2025
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