Articles on: Release Notes

Improvements and more (v2.17.8)

There's always lots of work going on in the background here at WriteUpp, and during this, we continue to fix bugs and make improvements to streamline your experience. Check out some of the things we have been working on this month below!


‘Preferred Name’ and ‘Pronouns’ fields

We have added fields for ‘Preferred Name’ and ‘Pronouns’ to the Patient tab of the Patient Summary.

They are also available for use as variables!

Multiple Next of Kins - Primary tag

If you have two sets of Next of Kin details entered on the client record, it is possible to mark one of these as the primary contact.

Following feedback, we have now added this primary tag to the saved Client Summary, which should make it easier to see from a glance who the primary contact is.

Furthermore, we have also added the primary tag to the Payable by modal when creating invoices. This may be particularly useful if invoices are generally paid by one of the two NOKs, and not the client:

New Resubscription process

If you choose to unsubscribe from WriteUpp or your payments are cancelled in error triggering an unsubscription, then it is now easy to resubscribe!

For Site Administrators, if your site has been unsubscribed, you will now see a ‘Resubscribe’ button on the Account tab in settings. As long as your site has not been deleted, you will be able to resubscribe using this button. When you click it, you will be taken to the subscription screen, where you must select the number of users required and complete the payment information. Your account will then be resubscribed!

Warning: 45 days after the expiry date has passed, your site will be deleted and there is nothing that can be done to recover it! You can check the expiry date from the Account tab.

When you unsubscribe, if your site is less than a year old and you are still on the old pricing, then we will honour the old pricing if you do choose to resubscribe.

If you’re having any issues following the resubscription process, then please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Security update - Session timeout extended to Online Booking

In your WriteUpp site, under Settings -> General, you can set a shorter session timeout to keep your account secure.

This setting has now been extended to the admin area of Online Booking. It is a good security measure to select a low session timeout. For example, if you select 0.5, then after just 30 minutes of inactivity, you will automatically be logged out of the session.

Under the ‘Help & Support’ section of the main menu, we have added a link to our YouTube channel! Next time you’re in WriteUpp, follow the link and check out all the videos we have to offer, including helpful guides for WriteUpp and many other insightful videos to help you on your private practice journey!

Important update to Short Name functionality

Under Setings -> Organisation, there is a 'Short Name' field, which can be used to edit the SenderID for communications sent out via SMS. Restrictions for registering a SenderID in the UK are getting tighter, and so reluctantly we have had to limit the use of the Short Name field.

If you already had a Short Name entered, then you can continue to use this, but you will no longer be able to edit the field. If you never had one entered, then the Short Name field has been removed from under settings.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but hope you understand that this is due to regulations outside of our control. We continue to work on a solution to this.

Bug Fixes

If you manually remove the To time in the Appointment modal or edit it to end before the start time, then an error message is now generated and the appointment cannot be saved.
If you use the patient switch function when composing something in WriteUpp, such as a note or message, then we now also update the VAR dropdown, meaning that if you then select a variable to use, information is populated from the newly selected client and not the previous one.
We have added validation to the To field on the SMS tab under Create -> Message. If you fail to add a recipient, the message will not be sent and you will be asked to specify a receiver.
Spelling of the ‘Video Konsultation’ Appointment Type on Danish trial sites has been corrected. This has only been fixed for new trial sites taken out with the country set to Denmark, If you have an existing site, you can fix this typo yourself by editing the Appointment Type.
We have updated the ordering of addresses for third parties attached to the patient record. The order is now Contact name, Address, City, Postcode.
During a patient merge, if the loser has an open episode, then it is now discharged. You will see this recorded on the Episode tab for the winner, with the comment ‘discharged and merged’.
We have fixed the text in the error message generated when too many records are entered for a data import. We have also updated the error messages relating to missing first name and last name mappings.
An issue with opening classic assessment forms saved to the client record has been fixed. Classic assessment forms are outdated and so we encourage the use of the new responsive versions instead. You can read more about that here.
When muting patient communications from the appointment modal, the user who made the action is now stated in the entry in the Appointment History. Previously, it would state the user who booked the appointment, even if they were not the one who muted the communications.
On Online Booking, changing the Appointment Type dropdown to an appointment not available in the selected location was causing an error. We have addressed this and now when an Appointment Type is selected that is not available in the specified location, the Location filter will reset to ‘Any’ and the results will refresh.
We have addressed some issues with the new PDF generator, including:
- The ‘PAID’ stamp now overlays all other text on invoices
- The fields in the right column of an invoice have been aligned
- An image at the top of a document followed by a line no longer causes the image to become faded
- The company address has been added back to the foot of the Payment Confirmation page under Payment History.

Updated on: 15/10/2024

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