The Company
Who developed WriteUpp?
Pathway Software, the developer of WriteUpp, based at: Watergate House, 85 Watergate Street, Chester, CH1 2LF, United KingdomFew readersAre you hiring?
We are always on the look out for talented individuals (in Development, Customer Service, Support) that have a genuine interest in our market and our products. At any point in time, our recruitment plans vary according to what we are doing, the business and our priorities for the coming 12-18 months. If you're interested in joining us, just drop us your contact details and we'll be sure to get in touch. Thanks, Bob @thebobbond p.s. We NEVER EVER work wFew readersHow long has Pathway Software been trading?
Since March 2009Few readersWhat experience does Pathway Software have in Healthcare?
It's all we do. We have been developing software for therapists in the NHS since 2009. Our software is in use in numerous NHS Acute Trusts and is used by thousands of therapists operating in Outpatient, Inpatient and Community settings. To date, our systems have booked over 5 million patient appointments in the NHS and handled many more clinical notes and assessments.Few readersWhat is the Company Registration Number?
06844098Few readersWhat are your working hours?
The WriteUpp team are available on Mon-Fri (excluding holidays) via live chat from 10:00 to 17:00 (GMT).Few readers
What is included in my WriteUpp subscription?
WriteUpp's pricing is based on the number of users you have on your site, rather than which features - pricing starts at £19.95 + VAT for a single user subscription. More information on our pricing is provided here. For the cost of your subscription you get: Full access to the WriteUpp product Online technical support (subject to fair usage) Optional additional costs include: SMS Credits - If you opt to send out SMS appointment coSome readersCan I use WriteUpp outside the UK?
Although WriteUpp is a UK-based business, the product itself can be used anywhere in the world. WriteUpp is currently in use in: UK Ireland Sweden Denmark Norway Singapore Australia New Zealand Canada United States Within WriteUpp you can specify your: Preferred Currency Preferred user interface language (currently English & Danish) Timezone Tax Rate Country code If your preferred currency or the required country code is not listed,Few readersWhy do you only provide online support?
If you're reading this article, you're probably wondering why we only provide assistance online. Here's our thinking: We know how daunting technology can be, so we built our business from the ground up around offering simple, no nonsense service. You can contact us 24/7 via email or live chat. During working hours (9am - 5.30pm GMT), you should normally receive a response within an hour. This means you can contact us when it works for you and we will respond as quickly as possible.Few readersIs there a WriteUpp App?
Yes. The WriteUpp app is available to download from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. You can read more about the features available via the WriteUpp app here.Few readersWhat costs are involved in providing WriteUpp?
Unlike traditional software companies, we don't just write a piece of code, package it up and let you download it (or send you a CD if you're more 20th Century). WriteUpp is a service. Often referred to in technology circles as Saas (Software as a Service). As such, many of the costs involved in providing the service are recurrent. Here is a quick breakdown of our service-related costs: Software Development Technical Support & Customer Service Quality Control/Testing Server InfrastrucFew readersWhat to do when WriteUpp is unavailable due to planned maintenance
Very occasionally, we have to undertake maintenance that takes a little bit longer than usual and can’t be done while WriteUpp is operational. We don’t do this kind of work often (typically once every couple of years) and we never take the decision to have a period of planned maintenance lightly. We know how much you rely upon WriteUpp, so we always undertake this work at weekends to prevent any impact to the regular working week. With that said, there are a few pre-emptive things you can doFew readers
Reviews, Requests and Referrals
Does WriteUpp have a referral programme?
Yes. We have a very straightforward and rewarding referral programme. The following article explains how it works. How does the programme work? Just complete the form at the bottom of our referral page We’ll then register you as a referrer and provide you with a unique link (URL) that you should use in all communications where you mention us, such as your website, social media etc When someone uses your unique link and subscribes for thSome readersHow do we handle feature requests?
If you're reading this article, it's likely that you've been kind enough to take the time to make a feature request, or you're considering making one, which is fab! We believe each request submitted is a valuable opportunity to understand how we can improve the product we provide you with, so we've made it super simple to submit a feature request from within WriteUpp, using an interactive feature request portal. This portal, hosted by Canny, allows you to: Submit a feature request BSome readersHow do I recommend WriteUpp on Facebook?
Recently, Facebook changed the way it handles Reviews and switched to Recommendations. If you're kind enough to want to recommend us on Facebook, please follow the steps below: Go to: Here you should see a section like this: Click on Yes and a popup will appear where you can writeFew readers